
Survey Format

  • 23 April 2021
  • 4 replies

Hello Community Members,

I have never used Typeform before and although I have listened to tutorials I do not know how to proceed with creating a survey that includes questions where there are multiple possible answers and an “Other” where one can write an answer not listed.


For each of the following, select software that you currently use and in "Other" add any software you use that is not listed:

Sales & Marketing


  • Salesforce

  • HubSpot

  • SendGrid

  • Zendesk

  • Affinity

  • Other: ________

I se the above divided into 5 parts:

  1. For each of the following, select software that you currently use and in "Other" add any software you use that is not listed:
  2. Sales & Marketing (category)
  3. CRM (sub-category)
  4. List of software (person answering survey can select, example, three of the listed answers)
  5. Other - field to be completed, I guess with a short text answer


Is it possible to create a survey with all this criteria? If so, please share (sharing is caring). If not, is there an alternative?

Note, I did select the Multiple Selection from the Multiple Choice dropdown.


4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Natalie - welcome to the community from a fellow user. 

the short answer to your question(s) is yes you can create a survey that does all of that.. at least from what i think i understand from your wording. 

can you be a little more precise in what outcome you are trying to achieve at the end of the survey? Why are you collecting the information, how you plan to use it, etc… that will help us (fellow users and official Typeformers) provide some insight and that way we can help you design what you are seeking.. 



Hello John/Des (who are you really? :)  ),

First of all I would like to say that you made me smile with your “I accept apologies in the form of...” Personally I think Scotch would have been the one in caps for me… Actually, I am a rum drinker. :)

Thank you for taking the time to reply. I appreciate it. 

Our company wants to send out a survey to our contacts with the purpose of gathering data on the top performing resources across our network. Gather data to better serve.

I have a section with a Header Title Sales & Marketing, with sub-headers CRM, Sales Operations, Marketing, Customer Success. Under each of those I have selections, including Other. In Other we would like the participant to be able to type in an answer.

Thanks again!


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Natalie - i save the scotch for the weekends or late night reading sessions lol.. when i am trying to figure logic problems, it’s coffee.. lol

it seems like you might be trying to do something like this?? not very pretty, here are some recalled variables inserted on some statement pages to help with some of the ‘trouble shooting’ as i was walking through .. 

let me know if this is close to what you were thinking - hopefully there is something in here that could be used conceptually


Well hello again! Thank you for your reply. I hope you had a fabulous weekend!!

I looked at your demo and I am afraid that is not what I am looking for as it looks like a simple multiple choice (unless I am missing something which is quite possible).

What I am looking for is what you provided plus, one of the selections would be Other.

The tricky part is, the Other would need an area where the participant would manually type in their answer.


What is your favourite drink?

  1. Coffee
  2. Rum
  3. Scotch
  4. Other: participant could type their answer here
