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  • 15 February 2021
  • 6 replies

Can I set a form to accept more than 1 file  as an upload eg 3 or 4 photos - As long as it stays under the file size max

Hey @ali2. Thanks for joining our Community! 😊


The file upload question only accepts one file per question. This means that, if you want to collect 3 photos, the best option would be adding the file upload question 3 times.


You can also ask your respondent "How many photos do you want to send?" and give some options (i.e. 1, 2, 3 or 4). Then you add a logic jump to show the file upload question considering the number of photos they have selected. Meaning, if I select I want to send 2 photos, the file upload question will be presented twice. 


I hope this helps! =) 

It would actually be much easier if we could allow my customers to upload multiple pictures from their cellphone at a time. Creating the logic jump to let them upload one at a time is not making their lives easier. 

I see, @nanosec. Thanks for sharing your feedback. 


I agree with you it would be easier, but this feature doesn't exist at the moment. We'll take note of it though! Please keep sending your suggestions and thoughts, we're all ears. :-) 

Is there a plan for multiple file upload to be implemented soon? At the moment we have to have 5 questions in a row where you can upload 1x image whijc isn’t very user friendly? I realise we could do a Google Drive or Dropbox link but again this is another extra step for the user to have to take.

HI @simonnz Welcome to the community! I’ve added your question here where we have the answer. Let me know if you have any other questions! :grinning:

Thanks for that - so there is no current plan to implement this?
