I’m trying to make a quiz where….. on correct selection…. I’ll add +10 to score and go to next question. Upon wrong selection, I’ll go to a statement screen which is considered as Hint. Now, once the Hint screen is accessed, I go back to my question …… where this time…. upon any selection…. I don’t want my score to update….. for this
I’ve created a boolean variable is_hint_active_q1 for question 1, is_hint_active_q2 for question 2… and so on.

my question screen

question’s logic ==>

Now on the hint screen

the hint’s logic ==>

Now, when I’m running this quiz form…
if you see the is_hint_active_q1 variable initializing with yes, although I specifically mentioned this to be yes at the Hint (statement) screen.
please help me…. How can I initialize the variable with no