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Hello! I hope i explain this effectively.

I am creating a quiz which produces 16 different profiles for the end user.

The profiles are the result of 2 series of questions:

  1. Variable - Archetype_TotalScore
  2. Variable - Work_style_TotalScore

for each of the above, I have a series of question and seperate scoring. Each has 4 possible results.

for example:

Achetype on Total Score:

  • 0-60 Points: The Dreamer
  • 61-90 Points: The Builder 
  • 91-120 Points: The Evolver 
  • 121-150 Points: The Strategist 

Work Style Scores

  • 0-15 Points: Analytical/Thinker
  • 16-30 Points: Creative/Innovative
  • 31-45 Points: Action-Oriented/Doer
  • 46-60 Points: Visionary/Leader

Once the user answers all questions they will be allocated a profile - eg. The Dreamer/Thinker or The Deamer/Leader - there are 16 different profiles/results.


I have set up all questions as follows:

  • addess Quiz Scores to each question
  • Added a logic to the Archeytpe questions - Always “add “score” to Archetype_TotalScore
  • Added a logic to the Work Style questions - Always “add “score” to Work_style_TotalScore


I now need to set up something / logic so that the based on the scores of each variable, they will be directed to a different end page:



  • if total_archetype_score >= 0 and total_archetype_score <= 60 and total_workstyle_score >= 0 and total_workstyle_score <= 15 then direct to Dreamer-Analytical.
  • if total_archetype_score >= 0 and total_archetype_score <= 60 and total_workstyle_score >= 16 and total_workstyle_score <= 30 then direct to Dreamer-Creative.

however I cannot see where or how to do this on the end page? I only have the option to add a total score range which does not work as I have 2 variables.


I am super new to this. I looked online and it suggests Logic Jumps but again, type form looks different on my end and i cant figure out how to add rules or logic to end pages, only questions.


Any suggestions would be super helpful.

@ssegaert - you have to put the logic rules on the ‘last possible question/page” before the endings in this case. you are correct you can’ add it to an ending, it has to be in front of that. 



thank you for this. very helpful!!!

So I added an extra page which was a “statement page” and then i added the below logic to that page:

  • if total_archetype_score >= 0 and total_archetype_score <= 60 and total_workstyle_score >= 0 and total_workstyle_score <= 15 then go to: ginsert ending page]

However when I select pages to go to, it only gives me the options to select the “question/content” pages.

Does this mean that cannot use the ending pages at all and I need create multiple “statement/Content” pages and link the logic to them instead?

If i do it this way, It lists them as still questions in the quiz, and i still have a submit button.. Is there a way to link it to the ending pages?

Also with the logic on the “statement page” Do i need to add the logic for all 16 variables to that one page?

Thank you so much in advance, this is truly so helpful!!!!

Kind regards


@ssegaert -good strt

  • you need to put all the logic rules to go to the various ending pages on that one statement page
  • have you created all the ending pages to which you are going to route your user?? once they are created they should appear


Hey @john.desborough 

So this is exactly what i would have thought - linking the logic rule to jump to the ending page.

However, I have created 4 ending pages and none show up in the Rule section as an option to jump to?

It only shows the pages that are question or the “test ending pages” which are actually website pages within the “quiz” and show as numbered quetsions.



I have set each question up as follows:

  1. Used the Logic - “Score Quiz”
  2. added personalised variables
  3. used the Branching, segmentation and calculations - to add a rule as per the below images


If i try to change to outcome quiz it says “

🚫Score quiz is already set up

To switch to Outcome quiz, first remove all Score quiz logic. Or combine different ending logic using Branching and calculations.”


but i still don’t see a way to use different ending logic.  :(


Its odd. maybe i have missed something taht activates allowing me to link the end pages? is there something i need to turn on?

Or do i need to remove the quiz scoring function completely and then add manual scoring to each questions in the logic

and then maybe i can link the end pages ?

BINGO - Okay - sp because i was using the Logic - quiz Scoring - it was not allowing me to link end pages! 

i just removed that scoring and now it is!

So now i will do this:

  1. for each question set up manual logic for scoring
  2. on the last question set up the logic for each variable to each result and link to end pages!

I will try this and revert!


thank you so much for all your help!

@ssegaert - that’s the ticket!


sorry - i had been tied up with clients during the day and not able to get to the response.. 


that should do all the work. manual scoring gives you so much more control over everything.. 



Hi @john.desborough 

So I think i might need to change my scoring mechanism to more of a tally.


  1. How long have you been running your business?
    • A. Just an idea (Dreamer)
    • B. Less than a year (Builder)
    • C. 1-3 years (Evolver)
    • D. More than 3 years (Strategist)

A = 1 point for Dreamer, B = 1 point for Builder, C = 1 point for Evolver & D = 1 point for Startegist.

I would then also have a second set of questions which relate to the work type:


  1. How do you approach problem-solving?
    • A. I gather data and analyze all possible outcomes. (Thinker)
    • B. I brainstorm creative solutions and think outside the box. (Innovator)
    • C. I take immediate action to address the issue. (Doer)
    • D. I delegate tasks and guide my team to solve the problem. (Leader)

A = 1 point for thinker, B = 1 point for innovator, C = 1 point for doer & D = 1 point for Leader.


I can set this up using variables and then logic for each question as above. 


However when i come to the final page where i want to set up the logic to send each one to the right end page, I am a little stuck, as i don’t seem to be able to set a rule that says something like:

If “dreamer” is higher than Builder, Evolver and Strategist 


if thinker is higher than innovator, doer and leader

then go to: End Page : Dreamer/Thinker

as you see below - it only allows me to input numbers. 

Does this mean that I cant really use Tally scoring in Type Form?


@ssegaert - this is where you have to get into the evaluation of which one is the highest score.. so you need to put in something like this - i know this seems convoluted but the way that Typeform’s logic works is a ‘little klunky’ - oh.. and you have to think about what to do if there is a tie in the scoring for the highest.. 

the base logic has to look at how many times is A the highest score (it would be nice if you could compare variable against variable but...), so here is the base logic that we have to walk through:

  • create a comparison variables for each category that is something named like this:
    • v_A_greater_B , v_A_greater_C, v_A_greater_D
    • v_B_greater_C, v_B_greater_D
    • v_C_greater_D
  • create summary variable as a counter for the number of times that each is the highest
    • v_A_greatest, etc. 
  • then the logic rules go something like this: 
    • if vA is greater than or equal (GTE for short) 0 add vA to v_A_greater_B
    • if vB is GTE0 subtract vB from v_A_greater_B
    • if v_A_greater_B is greater than 0 add 1 to v_A_greatest (cuz it vA greater than vB)
    • repeat for vA vs vC and vD, vB vs vC and vD, and vC vs vD
  • you should have counts from between 0 and 3, with 3 being the max you could get if one category scored higher than the others
    • if v_A_greatest = 3 go to vA ending 
    • if v_B_greatest = 3 go to vB ending 
    • etc. 
  • that will address the unique high scores at 3 but if there is no 3 in the list, then you have to look at if there is a unique 2 as a high score and figure out what to do if there is a tie.. 
    • if v_A_greatest = 2 and v_B_greatest is less than 2 and v_C_greatest is less than 2 and v_D_greatest is less than 2 go to vA ending. 
    • etc.. 
  • you can go to a simple tie breaker question if there are any ties or you can examine to see which ones are tied … ie if v_A_greatest = 2 and v_B_greatest = 2 (and the others less than 2) then go to AB_tiebreaker question. 
    • you can work through that in a followup question here in the community  if you need to lol

hope that helps somewhat.. 


