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Video and typeform

Hi I want to use video as a response mechanism in text survey (Typeform), not ask for feedback via video. Is this possible?



5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @JulesRM Thanks for stopping by the community! Just to be sure I understand correctly, are you looking to play a video but only need a text response back? 

If so, this article here can walk you through adding a video to your form. 

If you’re looking to receive an answer via video, then VideoAsk would be your best bet!

HI - sorry wasn’t clear.

We have a survey but we want to give our audience the chance to film their feedback rather than respond by just filling in the survey. Ideally, use it like a widget in the survey. Feedback by video here <this takes them into the app where they can record themselves and send it back to us.


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @JulesRM Ah, got it. Would you be able to embed a one-question VideoAsk into the form? That way, they wouldn’t have to leave the form itself. 

Thanks Liz I think this would be the best solution - we are also setting up a demo with some other colleagues now, so all good thanks!

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Oh how exciting, @JulesRM ! Let us know how it goes!
