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Hello, I’m having an issue with a VideoAsk. When I press "play" in preview mode, there's a glitch that causes the first syllable to repeat. You hear "he-hello" instead of "hello" as it should be. My video file is not the problem.
Can someone help?

Sorry to hear that @Audrey101, I had something similar happen to me which turned out to be restricted to my computer when viewed on Chrome specifically. Have you checked on different devices and browsers? Assuming you may, but good to check this.

Some thoughts that come to mind. Can you check the file size and format in case this may cause any conflicts. Is it playing properly in the editor view and live mode?

Is it possible you can send the preview link and I can hopefully assist you to troubleshoot :)

Hi Ash! You’re right! It’s working on others computer once I share the link. But still not on mine (all browsers). I can work with that, knowing everything is good when it’s shared. Merci :)

Great to hear that @Audrey101!

