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I’m using VideoAsk as interactive educational segments. I would like to end with the option to view the next topic but I cannot see a way to have a button link to a different VideoAsk sequence. Any advice?

OH PLEASANT SURPRISE!  It looks like the Redirect to URL will do the trick. I need to start thinking of my VideoAsk as an URL. This is wonderful!

Hey @RICK VAN NESS this is awesome, so glad you found the Redirect feature! Also, great to hear how you’re using VideoAsk, let us know how it goes 😊

Follow-up question: The redirect takes me to the beginning of the VideoAsk sequence I want, but can I have it begin to play automatically? In other words, I would like it to respond like all the other buttons that make me to the next video which don’t require user to click PLAY at the beginning of each logic step. Thanks!


You could try adding the parameter ?autoplay to the end of the redirected videoask URL. This might not work on all devices, but it could be an option to have the redirected videoask begin playing automatically. 

Thank you Grace! That’s a perfect solution for my desktop computer, but as you warned, it requires user to click PLAY on my iphone.

I’d like to suggest this as a potential feature enhancement. My use would be to break complex educational VideoAsk sequences into smaller ones that could be linked together and perform as if it was one giant logical sequence.


Hi @RICK VAN NESS, unfortunately this is a browser and security limitation of some devices so I’m afraid it’s out of our control. 

The reason is that the device/browser (e.g. iPhone, Safari) won’t automatically play any sound on a new website without the user’s explicit consent (clicking play). The comparison I always make is to back in the ‘90s when you’d go to a website and you’d get spammed with “Congratulations, you won! You’re our 1,000,000th visitor!”. 

I know this isn’t ideal for your use case, but I wanted to share some context as to why this happens 🙂
