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Video answer option

  • 15 May 2023
  • 1 reply


my name is Eduardo im a tour operator and i would like to know if is possible to add videos as options on video ask? for example something like this:


What activities are you interested in doing:


  • Zipline
  • Snorkling
  • Nature Hike

so my questions is if instead of wrtitting option is possible to add video options for this topics for example?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hey @Eduardogb2018 welcome to the community! 

This sounds like it could be a really fun VideoAsk 😊 You can’t add a video instead of text for the multiple choice options but each option could link to a video of that activity so people can see what it involves and then choose which activity they want to to book with you. 

Hope that helps, let us know how it goes!
