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My video questions loop until answer is entered.
Very annoying.

How do I stop that?

Hey @NirYogev is the videoask embedded somewhere? Would you mind sharing the link so I can take a look at what’s happening? 

A possible suggestion in addition to what @Grace has suggested for your consideration @NirYogev. Occasionally I can have a strange thing happen on my browser (which I eventually worked out was isolated to my computer only). Not sure why, but it does this on Google Chrome for me. It triggers the first step in my video segment to jump ahead without my input. This could be due to something I have installed on my computer or a Chrome extension, I am not too sure, but it doesn’t present the same issue anywhere else. 

If you possibly try it on a different browser / device to see if you can replicate the issue. If it still persists, then the best course of action is probably as Grace has mentioned to share a link so it can be further investigated.

Hoping that helps!

It is meant to stop once the video  runs the time. Kindly share the link to see what is wrong.
