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Hey, how's it going community buddies? 😄


We’re so glad you’ve joined our community of awesome creators. Let's celebrate our successes together – and also help each other through those tricky moments where you're on the brink of that breakthrough idea and need a nudge to get you to the finish line.


We’d love to know...


🆕 What’s new with you? 

🏆 Have you had any wins you’d like to share?

đŸ€“ Need some advice? 

💡 Have you had a great idea recently? 

đŸ€” Are you stuck on a solution? 

...or anything else you want to get off your chest!


Sharing is caring! So whether you’ve just cracked some complicated logic jumps or you need some inspiration for your next project, why not drop it in the thread here and share it with your community friends? đŸ€—




Hey Grace,


First off: I love the idea of this post. It really encapsulates the spirit of the Community here. For more, this is a space where we can talk about our challenges and readily invite solutions, so kudos for posting, I hope people will embrace it đŸ€—


For me, prio number one at the mo is working with the rest of the gang (@Grace @Liz) here on the strategy for how we take the Typeform Community to the next level. We've built an amazing place for people to come to get help with their Typeform issues – where do we aim for from here? 


We have some ideas of ways in which we might make this place even more engaging and meaningful, and would love to hear from others what they think. What's missing from the Community? How can we better help you in your life and work (this post could be a good start!)? and @john.desborough  when do we take this show on the road and turn the "Typebus" idea into a reality 🚐??


I’d love to hear what’s going on in people’s worlds and share ideas on how we might help each other...

Love this @James I’d like to say the number 1 priority is to continue to do awesome things in our Community, but maybe the Typebus is the new priority?! 

For me it’s working with @andrew_videoask on some exciting new ways to show off what VideoAsk has to offer
 so watch this space, I’m sure we’ll be dropping by here to get everyone’s opinions on what we cook up 🍜


Over here, I’ve been trying to keep up with product releases as the team really hit the new year running this year! It’s been amazing to see all the new updates. 😁

@Grace - great post
 and hits right on the head of the nail that @James and I were discussing earlier Thurs morning: sharing more of what we are doing. as @Liz says, there are a lot of new product bits coming out and that’s really key for many ‘function points’ within Typeform-centric solutions .. Same on the VideoAsk side as well - the product bits are great and you and @andrew_videoask are doing an amazing job. 

Whilst I’ve been quieter than normal in here, I’ve been really busy with one major client project and 3 of my Typeform clients. While those keep the lights on and pay the bills, I am working on the final bits of a 30-lesson “how to get really good at ‘native’ Typeform” course - the launch was supposed to be be mid-Jan but that vacation thing got in the way.. look for the launch of that at the beginning of March (maybe previewing earlier) and will launch a “Typeform Tip of the Week” newsletter at the same time (1st of March) 
 yeah they were new year’s resolutions and the target dates got missed but they are coming.. 


and, @James - I located a used school bus that is in good shape and reasonably priced (and still runs!) that i might just acquire to get started on the “TypeBus Tour of Towns to Typeform Tremendousness” .. and I won’t mention the laughter at the joint description we had today of the first episode, with you sitting in the background painting the first panel of the bus doing your best Bob Ross impression while I stream out episode one 





@Liz it’s just been one update after the other so far, great to see and lots to keep up with!

@john.desborough always important to take the vacation and come back refreshed and ready to tackle more typeforms!

Excited to see the launch of the course, but if we’re being honest I’m way more excited about the Typebus and the thought of you and James cruising around live streaming! 🚌




and, @James - I located a used school bus that is in good shape and reasonably priced (and still runs!) that i might just acquire to get started on the “TypeBus Tour of Towns to Typeform Tremendousness” .. and I won’t mention the laughter at the joint description we had today of the first episode, with you sitting in the background painting the first panel of the bus doing your best Bob Ross impression while I stream out episode one 


Amazing @john.desborough !!! I’ll fill in an expenses request to Typeform for a schoolbus, a video camera and some oil paints. 





and, @James - I located a used school bus that is in good shape and reasonably priced (and still runs!) that i might just acquire to get started on the “TypeBus Tour of Towns to Typeform Tremendousness” .. and I won’t mention the laughter at the joint description we had today of the first episode, with you sitting in the background painting the first panel of the bus doing your best Bob Ross impression while I stream out episode one 


Amazing @john.desborough !!! I’ll fill in an expenses request to Typeform for a schoolbus, a video camera and some oil paints. 



 @James - excellent.. am waiting to see the pony tail turn into a frizzmop as you liven up the bus...

I have a camera and a bunch of lenses I never use, so we can bring those for the bus! 

ditto @Liz 
 and i have a son who makes movies lol.. if only he would do some of this roadtirpping for free for his old man


Hey all, happy Friday! 🎉

How‘s the week been? 

I’ve had some great catch ups this week with team members and community members too (thanks @john.desborough and @Darnell 😁).

I always feel better after bouncing ideas off other people, especially when working remotely, it really makes a differences connecting with people to help move ideas forward.

I also want to shout out @jeremielp and @SmallBiz Sidekick for sharing some awesome ideas and problem solving in the Community 🙌 Thanks so much for being here! 


You know we got love for you, @Grace! đŸ€—đŸ€—đŸ€—

And you’re so right: bouncing ideas off others is awesome sauce. I’d been on an entrepreneurial island for the first 14 years and am just now realizing seeing how great it is to connect with others.

Have a wonderful weekend and keep doing you, Grace!


Hi @paychan140108 Welcome to the community! The language of the community is English, so I hope you don’t mind my reply in English. I hope you’re having a wonderful day!

Hey everyone happy Friday! How have your weeks been?  @James @john.desborough @Darnell @Liz 

My week was short as I hopped back over the Channel to visit the family last weekend so I can’t really believe it’s already Friday! 

It’s been great to see some new(ish) faces around the community helping out other members and sharing their knowledge so shout out to @Harsh and @HC Marketing 🙌 very happy to have you here! 

I’m currently editing a new episode of VideoAsk Voyagers which I’m excited to share with you all soon and we’re cooking up something fun with a familiar community face
 to be revealed in the next few weeks haha 

Anyone got any news/wins/fails they wanna share? Bring it on! Otherwise have a fantastic weekend all! 💙


I would like to know more on how to be ranked,

Hey @Remykas welcome to the community!

We have a post here where you can learn all about the ranks and badges we have in our community. Let us know if you have any other questions 😊

I would like to follow the news of the World, thank you 

Hi @mamasambabalde730 welcome to the community! Let us know if you have any questions about Typeform or VideoAsk. 😁
