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Make/Integromat Integration

  • November 22, 2022
  • 6 replies

Sangito Deva

I've just recently found out about videoask and make integration and Im having a lot of fun with it.


Can you guys share some of the integrations and cases you're using this for?


I've created a quizz type interation which basically builds a lot of authority to a cold audience in one sitting! That with videoask alone. Then I got Make to get some of the answers provided on the quizz and forward personalized "homemade style" videos based on some responses.

For instance, the user age, provided in one of the questions. After he sees the result on videoask, few seconds later he gets a message on his whatsapp with a non-produced, nor edited video based on his very data. This builds intimacy. And, if the user replies something at any point on this automation, well, it's on your whatsapp business. You can have saved responses or recorded faq videos…

Should this topic be any interesting to you all ill come back presenting some numbers of these campaigns!

Thanks again, community!

  • Socializer
  • November 22, 2022

Very cool, Excited to see some of these deep integrations adding some automation to VideoAsk and more, thanks for sharing! 


One of my aspects of the Make’s options is the use of the database.

I’ve seen this set up to filter out repeat respondents by checking the database for their email before redirecting them to the next videoask. Or to create member-only videoasks by checking the database for emails before sending them through to exclusive content or the next videoask, etc.

@andrew_video will be able to share a lot more detail on the Make integration for you, too.

Keep us updated! 

Community Team
  • Community Advocate
  • November 22, 2022

This is awesome thanks for sharing @Sangito Deva and @DNALewis 😁

@andrew_videoask is certainly a fan of using Make to whip up VideoAsk workarounds, recently he shared this guide to building stronger relationships with your remote team using VideoAsk, Make and Giphy:


Tagging @Michaela too as our resident Make expert! 

Sangito Deva

Thanks for your input @DNALewis! Let me ask you sth which seems newbie. when u say:


DNALewis wrote:

One of my aspects of the Make’s options is the use of the database.

I’ve seen this set up to filter out repeat respondents by checking the database for their email before redirecting them to the next videoask. Or to create member-only videoasks by checking the database for emails before sending them through to exclusive content or the next videoask, etc.


Im reading this and thinking with my wordpress oriented mind. Would it be possible to do a scheme such as yours, using phones instead of emails, and sendind people over to another videoask after checking theis existences in a database (or a google sheet) without they creating a user on my website, just by getting their info on a first videoask?


Thanks for yout input as well @Grace! ill be looking at the link right now!


  • Socializer
  • November 25, 2022

Great Question @Sangito Deva; my understanding of your question is that Yes that should be possible. 

Depending on how you have your database set up and where it’s getting it’s ‘source’ information all would be happening is:
[Step 0. You have a database with phone numbers you’ve pre-populated to define an ‘Approved’ list of users(phone numbers).]

  1. You first videoask is collecting phone number in the contact form. 
  2. Set this up to redirect to Make’s URL to trigger the workflow in Make
  3. Make will check to see if the VA submission matches any of the database entries (approved) and will branch depending on the answer
    1. Match → redirect to Approved url/videoask
    2. No Match → redirect to Fallback url/videoask
  4. After this the respondent will continue along the journey you built in the Approved or Fallback videodasks 

I believe this should be completely possible for you! 

@andrew_videoask might be able to validate the above and/or even share a walkthrough of a similar set up.

 Let me know if this helps!

Sangito Deva
DNALewis wrote:
  1. Make will check to see if the VA submission matches any of the database entries (approved) and will branch depending on the answer
    1. Match → redirect to Approved url/videoask
    2. No Match → redirect to Fallback url/videoask


Can you send information to make while the user is within videoask, get info from a database and share it with the user while he is still there?

Just so I understood this.

But I get how I could run this operation integrating videoask and make with an WhatsApp api, which is what I'm doing today.


  • Socializer
  • November 26, 2022
Sangito Deva wrote:

Can you send information to make while the user is within videoask, get info from a database and share it with the user while he is still there?

Great question here @Sangito Deva; it is not possible for Make to receive any information while the respondent is still in a videoask. This is why a setup like this requires using two (or more) separate videoasks linked via redirects. 

For any videoask that does not collect video/audio content the results are available nearly instantaneously (it’s usually less than a minute still when collecting video/audio) so this type of setup tends to work in most cases without much delay. 


Let us know how your WhatsApp integration turns out!
