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Thu, Dec 14, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM (UTC)

Community workshop: A fresh take on measuring form success and boosting completion rates

About this event

Struggling to get responses to your typeforms? Come explore a method to track your completion rates over time.


Join our live workshop led by John "Des" Desborough, a Typeform Community Champion. He'll explain how Typeform's Insights feature can help you analyze form performance and discover where people are dropping off.

Des will also reveal his top tips for crafting high-converting forms, based on his experience creating and analyzing hundreds of typeforms for a wide array of clients.

  • How to analyze drop-offs: Discover how to use Typeform's Insights feature to spot problems (available to Business plan customers) 
  • How to improve completions: Learn what makes people more likely to complete forms
  • Live Q&A: Ask des anything you like about drop-off analysis and form design! 

🗓️  Join Des live on December 14th at 12PM ET and discover how to get more form submissions! Click here to register


Event details
Online event
Thu, Dec 14, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM (UTC)