Airtable & Typeform integration (multiple choice) | Community
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Airtable & Typeform integration (multiple choice)

Please help, 


I am trying to integrate a multiple form question from Typeform to a sigle select fied in airtable. I keep getting the error message bellow.


Hmm...not a perfect match

The options in your typeform question must be the same as the options in your Airtable field. If your options are orcelf, and goblin in your typeform question, you need orcelf, and goblin in the Airtable field you're matching with.


However I checked everything. The texts are exact match and my typeform is already published. What could it be? 


Thank you!

Best answer by chriscooning

Hey @laura.fuks — I’ve encountered this before and found that I needed to customize the field type in Airtable to match to the Airtable data type coming from the typeform field data type. 

By default, it’s a single line text field - so if you’re trying to capture email, or a number - you need to change the setting in Airtable.

Here’s a list of available field types in Airtable.

Let me know if this helps?

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  • Typeform
  • 9 replies
  • Answer
  • March 23, 2022

Hey @laura.fuks — I’ve encountered this before and found that I needed to customize the field type in Airtable to match to the Airtable data type coming from the typeform field data type. 

By default, it’s a single line text field - so if you’re trying to capture email, or a number - you need to change the setting in Airtable.

Here’s a list of available field types in Airtable.

Let me know if this helps?

  • Author
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  • March 23, 2022

I did use the right correspondent field for airtable… but still not working


Can you share an example of what field type it is? Perhaps a screenshot?

Community Team
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  • March 29, 2022

Hi @laura.fuks Were you able to solve the issue? Let us know what worked! If not, happy to help if you don’t mind sending a screenshot. 😀

  • Navigating the Land
  • 4 replies
  • March 30, 2022

I was having the same troubles. Maybe this will help.

The Single Select and Multiple Select field types in Airtable don’t play nice with the Yes/No and Multiple Choice field types in Typeform.

I used Multiple Select in Airtable and Multiple Choice in Typeform to match the fields in the integration.

Seems to work so far. I can map all the fields. Now to test it all out with entries.


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  • March 31, 2022

Thanks for sharing that, @emenardi ! Very helpful. 

  • Navigating the Land
  • 4 replies
  • March 31, 2022

I’m back to report that the solution above does work.

I used Multiple Select in Airtable and Multiple Choice in Typeform to match the fields in the integration. Make sure the options in each are spelled the same and in the same order in each platform.

I’ve added new entries via Typeform and everything looks fine in Airtable.

Good luck!

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  • March 31, 2022

Thanks for confirming, @emenardi !

Gabi Amaral
  • Ex–Typefomer
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  • April 1, 2022

Happy it's working now, @laura.fuks! Don't forget to share the link to your form with us, we'd love to test it and give some feedback! 😉

  • Explorer
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  • April 21, 2022


Multiple Select in Airtable and Multiple Choice in Typeform to match the fields in the integration… is not working for me.

The names are EXACTLY the same. Please help? What am I doing wrong?


  • Navigating the Land
  • 4 replies
  • April 21, 2022

In Typeform, try turning off “Multiple Selection”. It doesn’t seem logical, but it worked for me. Here’s a pic of one of my questions. Let me know if it works for you.


  • Navigating the Land
  • 4 replies
  • April 21, 2022

@jcapili So I just came back to work on it and what I said above isn’t working today.

Sorry for the confusion… actually all of my Typeform settings changed back to default off positions. Really weird!

So, in Typeform I turned “Multiple Selection” on. In Airtable, the field type is “Multiple Select”. I can align the fields.

The only difference I see in your pic is that you have “Other” chosen and I do not. I’m wondering if that’s your problem. Might try turning off “Other” and see what happens.

  • Explorer
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  • April 22, 2022

@emenardi I have tried what you have suggested and still didnt work for me :-(

How did you name your fields on AirTable?

With A, B, C as well?

Would it have something to with that?

My TypeForm, like yours, has A, B, C auto-generated...


I have the exact problem. I could however edit on zapier and the data keyed in on zapier would appear on Airtable but for the multiple choice option, I can’t do it from Typeform. Quite frustrating

  • Navigating the Land
  • 1 reply
  • June 15, 2022

This isn’t working for me as well.

The only workaround I found was to not to include the “Other” option.

  • Navigating the Land
  • 2 replies
  • November 30, 2022

Hi - I am having this same issue and can’t figure it out. The multiple choice options in typeform and airtable are the exact same. I have removed the ‘other’ option. I have changed question type to multiple choice / multiple select and still not working.. Any other suggestions??

  • Navigating the Land
  • 1 reply
  • January 13, 2023

This is super frustrating and has been a time-sink for me so far. 


I have a multi-select option in Typeform (simple Yes/No was not working)

AirTable field settings
AirTable options
TypeForm Options
TypeForm field Settings


And it is met with: 

Hmm...not a perfect match 

That typeform question doesn't really go with that Airtable field. Try to make them match. For example, the typeform Date question works with the Airtable date field.

And there doesn’t seem to be any combinations that will work. I’m not sure what would be a more perfect match. 


I’ve also tried using single-selects but that gives the exact same results. Is there any solution to this? Because as it stands, I can’t have my form data sent to Airtable. I could try to use Zapier, but adding yet another step to the data collection seems like a kludge. 




I had trouble syncing a Multiple Choice on Typeform with Multiple Selection AirTable. Kept getting the irritating error that data types are not compatible. I noticed that another multiple choice question sync’d with AirTable flawlessly. The difference is that the question that sync’d well is a “Required” question while the Optional question had trouble syncing. I changed all questions to “Required” and the form sync’d flawlessly to AirTable.  


One way giving the respondent the option to skip is to assign “X” (or similar) as a prompt to skip. By mentioning it in the description, you can get around the problem (partially).  

  • Navigating the Land
  • 1 reply
  • January 30, 2023

Here’s a fix! I found out that the - I put in between two numbers on an answer was the problem. I don’t think it likes the dash character. Try to remove any dashes and match the answer to each and see what happens 

  • Navigating the Land
  • 3 replies
  • February 1, 2023

The amount of time it takes to debug these problems is a lot more expensive than what we pay for the service. That needs to get factored in for both Typeform and Airtable. Airtable is more finicky. I don’t have that issue with pushing to Google sheets. I may disable Airtable for any complex typeform. Only the very simplest ones work. Airtable may not be worth the subscription price given the human time involved to get it to accept Typeform data. Also, each time we have to restart from scratch. I don’t know if there is a way to edit the Typeform<>Airtable field matching and not have to start over - Is there?

  • Navigating the Land
  • 1 reply
  • February 16, 2023
davidgs wrote:

This is super frustrating and has been a time-sink for me so far. 


I have a multi-select option in Typeform (simple Yes/No was not working)

AirTable field settings
AirTable options
TypeForm Options
TypeForm field Settings


And it is met with: 

Hmm...not a perfect match 

That typeform question doesn't really go with that Airtable field. Try to make them match. For example, the typeform Date question works with the Airtable date field.

And there doesn’t seem to be any combinations that will work. I’m not sure what would be a more perfect match. 


I’ve also tried using single-selects but that gives the exact same results. Is there any solution to this? Because as it stands, I can’t have my form data sent to Airtable. I could try to use Zapier, but adding yet another step to the data collection seems like a kludge. 




Hi dg,

I was running into the same problem where I needed to pass a yes/no response from Typeform to Airtable. On the Airtable side, this is solvable by selecting the "checkbox" field type. Hope this helps!


  • Navigating the Land
  • 3 replies
  • February 16, 2023

What I have realized that paying for Typeform is not worth it unless you want a more fancy branded version. If I have my data in Airtable then using the Airtable form is better -- at least the fields will match perfectly and I don’t have the annoying message and trying to debug it. I can embed that because I don’t need the fancy logic of Typeform or the prettiness for now. 

Typeform <> Airtable integration is also not editable whereas it is editable for other integrations. 🤷🏽‍♂️

At $290/year for basic typeform to have all of this time sink, it doesn’t seem worth it to me. 

  • Navigating the Land
  • 1 reply
  • March 3, 2023

Figured out a workaround to this using Zapier.

Trigger: New Entry in Typeform
Action: Create Records (With line Item Support) in Airtable

Your multiple choice field will appear with a variable for each choice in Zapier.  Manually select each individual choice and separate with commas.

In Airtable, the corresponding field is best set up as a Linked Record field with the dropdown options as the primary fields in the linked table.  If you use a Multiple Select field, a “ “ option will be filled for each submission where not every option is selected.  With a linked record field there’s no such issue.

Happy to explain further if people still have issues.

  • Navigating the Land
  • 1 reply
  • March 20, 2023

Hello ! I have an integration problem with the multi select, my form is published and the choices in airtable and typeform are the same, the message still persists. Is it possible to guide me please? Thank you for your answer !



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  • March 28, 2023

Hi @Impala I added your post here where we have some possible solutions for this. Let us know if spacing isn’t the issue!
