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Customise Typeform in Wordpress

  • 8 February 2024
  • 3 replies

Hello everybody, I would like to know if the following is possible to be done in Wordpress:


  • I have a Typeform created with 2 different flows (if you click on Option A you have a flow, if you click on Option B you have another flow)
  • I want to import it in Wordpress to allow people to send their request.
  • My goal is to have in the Wordpress Landing Page, 2 different CTAs, one to allow me to start directly on Option A, and one directly on Option B.

For now I found only the possibility to embed the Typeform and only from there select if you want Option A or Option B.

Is my goal doable? Can I have a way to skip the first step and assign directly the Option A and Option B flows to 2 different CTAs without creating 2 different Typeforms?

Thank you all in advance.

Hi @badubadu I think it might be easier to have two different workflows, but @mathio do you know if it would be possible to maybe pass a hidden field in that embed button that would start the form at a different part based on the item in the hidden field? 

Hello @badubadu 

we have a help article to preselect an option of the first multiple choice question:

However this feature is not supported by embed SDK (yet?). A partial workaround can be found in this thread.

I am happy to let you know that you can use the feature to preselect first answer directly via embed SDK now!


You just need to add an attribute like this to your embed code:


See live demo:

BTW if you use “opinion scale” as your first question, you can pass just a number instead of the <answer-ref> value.
