I use Typeform this way: the Typeform is embedded in a webpage (iframe https://www.ridingmatch.com/questionnaire), responses are analyzed in google sheets and a personalised recommendation is then automatically sent by email to respondents through a google apps script. There aren’t any preset recommendations. All recommendations are different and change all the time.
Now I'd like to replace the email process by displaying the personalised recommendation on a webpage of my website. So the respondents would fill the form, send it and after a few seconds the personalized recommendation would appear on a page on the same website where the typeform is embedded.
How would you advise me to do that? How do I ensure the respondent sees his personal text? respondent token?
I’m a beginner in coding and used javascript on google apps script to send personalized emails so I’d like to continue with google apps script/javascript to display the personalized recommendation on a webpage instead of sending emails.