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Hi all,

Is it possible to track the lead event of a facebook pixel (when the respondent finishes the typeform in this case) when a typeform is embeded on a site?
Thank you

HI @kilian thanks for stopping by! I might not be up to date on my Facebook terminology, but would you mind providing a bit more information on what the lead event is you’re looking for? In the meantime, you can see the events we do send through our Facebook Pixel integration here:grinning:

Hi @Liz and thanx for your response !

I mean is it possible to trigger the event typeform submit when a typeform is embeded to a website?


Hi @kilian yes! It should still trigger even when the form is embedded. :grinning:  If you’re noticing that it’s not, please let me know. 

Hi @Liz ,

Actually, the Lead event doesn’t trigger with an embedded typeform (only the Library and PageView). I sent you our URL by PM. Thank you,

Thanks @jessy ! I’ll take a look at the URL and respond here. :) 

Looking at the URL, @jessy , it looks like a custom embed is being used when adding the full-page Typeform to your site. When using the full page embed, you’ll want to be sure that the only code on the page is the typeform code to prevent any issues. 

If you’re familiar with front-end development, can I have you try using the Embed SDK to add the form to your site and integrate with Facebook Pixel within the form builder settings?
