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Excel integration - connect a new survey to an existing spreadsheet?

  • 3 February 2023
  • 9 replies

We have been collecting customer surveys for some time and decided to revise both the survey and the target spreadsheet.

Basically, we cloned the original survey (#1), removing a question no longer needed.

We created a new Excel connection to the clone (Survey #2)  and got clean data in Spreadsheet#2. We added a number of pivot tables to this sheet, and everything looks good.

Now, we want to re-create this arrangement for another employee.  Rather than recreate all these pivot tables, can we CLONE Survey #2 and Spreadsheet#2?

In other words, can we connect a new survey to an existing spreadsheet?

Note: we don’t have to import existing data. Nice to have, but not critical.

9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@KDandenell - while the Google Sheet integration allows you to connect multiple typeforms to the same Sheet (and creates separate tabs for each), unless something has changed recently, you can’t do the same thing with Excel. 

just tested quickly again and nope .. could not do it.. 

@Liz - any ideas from Team Typeform??



Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @KDandenell No, I’m afraid this isn’t possible with Excel. You will have to create a new sheet to use this integration. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@KDandenell - extending from what @Liz confirmed, even though you need to connect the new survey to a new excel sheet, you could always use Excel functionality to pull the data from the second form into the first and ‘do the magic’ there.. just a thought



Userlevel 2
Badge +2

@john.desborough - I ended up doing that. Had Typeform dump the raw data into the “primary” spreadsheet, then set up a “personalized” spreadsheets on Office 365 that pulls in data from that primary tab and display all manner of pivot tables.

HOWEVER, Microsoft doesn’t like you to connect spreadsheets online with constant data flow. They—serioiusly—want everyone to log in from a desktop app rather than have the data refreshed automatically. That basically kills the usefulness for me. The entire purpose of the exercise was to allow staff to use browsers on desktop or iPads to see customer feedback in real time. Doesn’t really work if they have to log in and refresh manually.

The only real workaround is to hire a DBA to use a proper database that renders the results in HTML, but we don’t have time or budget for that.

Way to go, Microsoft.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

if you have the option, try google sheets.. you can do it one sheet with separate tabs.. just a thought @KDandenell 

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

An excellent thought!

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Let us know if you end up giving that a try, @KDandenell !

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

It’s dead, Jim. That doesn’t work.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@KDandenell - cna you do a loom video or equivalent as to why it shows up as dead?? 


