
Google Sheet Integration turning off

  • 6 February 2021
  • 20 replies

Userlevel 2

Does anyone know why the integration to google sheets would toggle itself off once the form is submitted?

I’m doing a typeform to typeform survey and the results from the from the first form are being recorded in typeform, but the google integration toggle turns off everytime I test the first form (and the results don’t get passed to google sheets).

I can toggle the integration back on, but it just happens again.


Best answer by Mariana 9 February 2021, 11:59

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20 replies

Userlevel 2


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Hi @michael , thanks for confirming it's been solved!!! May I ask what was the issue? 

Have a great Saturday. 

Userlevel 3
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I’d like to know the resolution as well. This issue is happening to me right now and I can’t figure it out!


Userlevel 7
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i’m ok at the moment with mine and i have about a half dozen tests running about about every 4 hours 


if you want to test it out you are welcome to do so, just be mindful that the process flow here is to generate a report dynamically out of Google Sheet # 2 back to the email address you submit.. nothing rocket science but it’s here


Userlevel 3
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My issue is even simpler than this one. Single Typeform, Gsheet integration, turns on successfully but as soon as I fill the form it turns off. And no data passed.

I’ve tried disconnecting / reconnecting, deleting the integration and starting again, nothing works.

I’ve had the same issue over the last two weeks, especially when many responses come in over a very short amount of time. 

Can you tell us, what caused the problem and if it is completely solved?

Thank you very much!

Userlevel 7
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Hey @MCSims and @Lennart. Often times this happens for one of the reasons below. Could you let me know if you have done any of the following to the spreadsheet? 

  • Change the headers of the document
  • Integrate the same form in two different Google sheet URLs instead of the same Google sheet document
  • Integrate two forms in the same tab
  • Delete tabs on the sheet
  • The target sheet has the same name as the typeform

Any of the actions mentioned above could break the integration. Can you try to remove the integration and set it up again in a new spreadsheet using the same credentials?


Hopefully, all the responses will be passed after trying this. Looking forward to hearing good news! =)

Hi Mariana,

Thank you for the quick reply.

Two things might have happened in my case: I deleted some tabs (but days before the error occured) and the tab has the same name as the typeform (which is the default setting), but the sheet has a different name.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Lennart Ah, that would explain it. It’s best to avoid making any changes to the sheet to be sure the connection stays active, but if you notice any further issues with the integration, please let us know!

Userlevel 3
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I’ve resolved it on my end. I deleted some of the sheets that may have been conflicting name wise with the original integration, deleted the activation and re-set up from scratch. Seems to have worked.

Thank you for the suggestions.


Userlevel 7
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Glad that worked @MCSims ! :) 


I’ve had my Typeform syncing to a google spreadsheet for months, and it just recently stopped syncing the data to Google Spreadsheets.  I can’t seem to find the solution to this. We keep getting applications through Typeform but it will no longer sync those apps to Google Form. Any solutions to this? I’ve never had issues before.

Thanks in advance.

Userlevel 7
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Hey @KaylinPyles. Happy Friday :hugging:


I moved your question here where the answer is. Let us know if you have further questions =)

Userlevel 1

Hi – this is a generally helpful thread but I am unable to identify the specific reason for the automatic turnoff of the syncing. Is there a way to diagnose?

Userlevel 7
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Hi @cappleton If you have gone through the items above and none of them seem to apply to your forms, I would then reach out to our support team directly. They can take a look at the errors in the backend for more specific information. 

Badge +1

Hi all,


As I’m having the same problem, I went thrugh the discussion here, and I’d like to make sure please:

Is it ok to have sevral tabs (forms) going to the same google sheet?

Is it ok to manually add a line under the headline of the sheet and type information there?

Does any change that I do manually on the google sheet may risk my integration?


Thanks a lot




Userlevel 7
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@Leora16 - 

  1. yes you can have a bunch of forms going to the same google sheet. 
  2. NO - don’t add anything to the sheet from typeform - if you want to do anything to customize a tab, create another tab and use the arrayformula function to bring rows into the other tab as they arrive - i have a client for whom i created a reporting tab that assembles data from 25 tabs on the one google sheet file, from 25 different typeforms. 
  3. any change you make to the google sheet tab created by Typeform runs a high risk of killing the integration for that typeform


Badge +1

I see…


Thank you very much!!!


The thing is- as I integrate evantually the information coming from 50 forms to 1 sheet, it helps me to keep track by adding a code or a symbol to each question, so I know which answers go where. e.g., in one form question no. 3 will combine with other’s form’s question no. 5, so I named them to be sure.


Any idea for solving the situation?


Tank you very much!!!!!



Userlevel 7
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@Leora16 - there isn’t … don’t touch the tab that typeform submits data into … use the consolidation tab to do a vlookup  across the tabs to pull the data into the consolidation tab… 



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Thank you very much, this was very helpful🙏🏾


