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Hey everyone!  


Got a bit of a head scratcher here.  We have a Typeform survey which uses the Google Sheets integration to automatically copy the results.  So far, so good.


Everything works great, except for the ‘Other’ field (which upon clicking becomes a text input field) does NOT copy the data over, leaving our google sheets with huge gaps on any question that wans answered with ‘Other’ and a text field.


Anyone found a solution to this?



@Mach49Admin - welcome from another user

i use Other fields and get the answers showing up in my Google Sheets .. However, I noticed the first time i used this feature, that I had to remind the users that they had to click the checkmark on the right hand side of the input box (for the other response) in order to lock in their comments. I did this by putting a note in the description area of the question. 

not perfect but that reduced the ‘error’ rate by 80-85% ie people followed the instruction to click and save their comments. 

which then showed up in the Google Sheet. 

just a thought



That solved the problem!  Thanks Des!

@Mach49Admin - good to hear! 

May the ‘form be with you!

