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let respondent interact with external web page and redirect them back to typeform to continue the form

  • 17 July 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi everyone! 

I’m facing a problem for my typeform and I hope this community can help me out :) 


I’ve made a typeform to collect data on 3 different web pages designs. I would like my typeform to start with some general questions after which the respondent is directed towards the first external url (design A). After interacting with the external webpage the respondent is redirected back to the typeform (using a button on the external webpage) to answers some specific questions for design A. After this the respondent should be send to design B, and back to the typeform and so on until all 3 designs have been visited and the correspondent questions have been answered. Finally the typeform ends with some general questions again. It would be nice if the respondent can be send to the external URL’s in random order. 

the problem I’m facing is that I can’t redirect the respondent back to the typeform from the external page to the corresponding question, when using the typical share link it starts at the beginning again. I’ve tried adding a hidden field (design= A or B or C) and then use logic to go to a specific question based on this value. However, when using this method typeform only saves the ‘last’ answer given and not the complete typeform. 

Is there some way to redirect users back into to typeform they are already filling in, at a certain point? An other way I’m thinking of to solve this problem is to run the external webpage embedded into the typeform, like a video. But as far as I know such options are not available. If we can solve this problem my next question would be to send the respondent to the 3 designs in random order.

I hope we can find a solution! 





1 reply

Userlevel 7
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Hi @dvr1996 Thanks for stopping by the community! I hope you’re having a great week so far. 😀 I’m afraid we don’t have this feature available, but I would suggest having splitting the form into two and directing them to the second form. When they submit the form, storing the answers elsewhere, such as a CRM, might help ensure that all of their data is then in one spot!
