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Working on a chain of 7 forms. Each one gathers data that is then necessary for a hidden field on those that follow. 


For best UX I would like to embed these on webflow course pages, and ideally, the login info would suffice for populating the right user’s hidden field data. 

Can anyone tell me how to do this? FYI I use DRIP for my CRM. 


Thanks in advance!

Hi @RyCoCFK Thanks for stopping by the community! If you have their information stored in Drip, you could use a similar method to this to pass information into the hidden fields. 

Thanks Liz. Should have been more clear. I’m already doing what you’ve mentioned. I’m hoping to move away from this and toward a situation where the form is hosted within a course page, which means it would not have a direct link. Is there any other way to populate the hidden fields? 

Hi @RyCoCFK Ah got it - if you’re looking to embed the form, then you would need to follow the steps here
