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Passing Hubspot email hidden field to Typeform URL

  • 20 November 2021
  • 13 replies

Hello. I am using HubSpot landing pages and have a from that on submit, I am passing them over to Typeform with URL parameters based on information they provided. The problem I am having is that the Hubspot email is encoded @ to %40 and Typeform is not recognizing it as an email. 


Anyone have a workaround for this? I am using a script to redirect after Hubspot form submit.

Hi @nowitmatters Welcome to the community! I hope you had a fantastic weekend. 

I sadly don’t think we have any workarounds for this. @mathio might have some that I’m not familiar with, I hope!

Hello there @nowitmatters 

%40 is actually standard URL encoding for @ characters. I can see it working just fine in my form here:

Maybe Hubspot is not encoding the URL twice, resulting in something like the URL below?

Hello @mathio , thank you for taking some time on this. The problem I am having is that I am trying to pass the information as a hidden field so I don’t have to ask the email question again.

I am realizing now though that if I pass the email in the URL when they submit the form, those values will be available on the results page, so I don’t even have to present the question in the first place?

….. pass the information as a hidden field so I don’t have to ask the email question again.

Then dont ask it 😃

Per hidden fields docs you can not pre-populate answers, but your hidden field will be saved with the response. If you dont always have the email value available maybe you can use logic to only show the email question if the hidden field is empty.


Thank you again @mathio and @Liz for pointing them towards me. I was overthinking the whole problem and realized I don’t even need to ask these questions since I can just pass the information and reference that for the HubSpot integration. Thank you!

Ah duh, of course! Can’t believe I missed that ha. Monday brain, @nowitmatters . Thanks, @mathio !!

Hi @nowitmatters  and @Liz , I have a Typeform (quiz) embedded on a HubSpot page. I’m hoping to send typeform results to HubSpot (updating a contact record) without asking for an email address (on Typeform). I’m thinking this might be possible by creating a hidden email field in Typeform but I’m not sure how to set it up such that we can pull the email address of the user on the HubSpot page into the Typeform hidden field. Do you have any advice on how we can do that? Thanks!

Hello, @psoh, how do you know the email of the person visiting the HubSpot page with the Typeform? 


The issue with embeds and hidden fields is that the hidden field values are usually static but depending on what Hubspot modules you are using, you might be able to include personalization tokens into the Typeform embed code. 


In order to even test this, you would need to create the hidden fields you want to pass along in Typeform ( and update the embed code so the hidden values = personalization tokens.

Thank you! I figured it out! I’m going to use add the email personalization token to the query string of the pages with the typeforms embedded. 

Thanks so much, @nowitmatters !

hey @nowitmatters – i’m trying ot achieve the same workflow that you’ve created here, where i have a HubSpot form on a HubSpot landing page and a Typeform on a subsequent landing page, and the email and name gets passed from the HubSpot form to the Typeform. How did you set this up? Is there any documentation you can point me towards?

Thank you!

Tagging @Sun.Park here too, if you want to share your experience with hidden fields and the whatnot, @Form Typer !

I’ve also answered you in your post. 😀

Hey @Form Typer just following up in case you didn’t manage to crack this. @propellex found a great solution and has kindly documented it in this post:


Hopefully you find it useful!
