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Slack channels not showing when i try to integrate

  • 2 October 2023
  • 10 replies

I’ve been successfully using the Slack integration to send forms to Slack. I needed to make an edit, but it wasn’t working so I've deleted the integration and started again. But now only a small number of my Slack channels are visible in the dropdown menu to send the Typeform responses to. 

I need help fixing this please so I can send them to the missing channels! 

10 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @Stephen1830 Are you trying to connect to private channels or channels you’re not the owner of? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hey @Stephen1830 how’s it going? Did you manage to get this working again? Let us know if you still need help!

Hi Both, thank you for your reply.

I’m the workplace owner, so I have access to all channels. 

On closer look, it’s not showing me private channels as an option - in the past I've been able to link private channels?



Thank you, I've been able to Google a solution after realising it was private channels that weren’t showing in the dropdown list. This article tells you how!

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Brilliant, glad you found the solution @Stephen1830 thank you for letting us know! 

I am having this same issue except that I have already added typeform to the slack channel. But the slack channel still will not show up when I try to add it.

I am having this same issue except that I have already added typeform to the slack channel. But the slack channel still will not show up when I try to add it.


You may not have noticed. Have you done the steps here?ıtlarını-gerçek-zamanlı-olarak-slack'e-gönderme-360029312832/#

I am having this same issue except that I have already added typeform to the slack channel. But the slack channel still will not show up when I try to add it.


You may not have noticed. Have you done the steps here?ıtlarını-gerçek-zamanlı-olarak-slack'e-gönderme-360029312832/#

Hi Gidelan, thanks. Yes I have. Thats actually exactly what I’m talking about. I’ve already added typeform to the channel but it still won’t show up when I search for it on typeform

I am having this same issue except that I have already added typeform to the slack channel. But the slack channel still will not show up when I try to add it.


You may not have noticed. Have you done the steps here?ıtlarını-gerçek-zamanlı-olarak-slack'e-gönderme-360029312832/#

Hi Gidelan, thanks. Yes I have. Thats actually exactly what I’m talking about. I’ve already added typeform to the channel but it still won’t show up when I search for it on typeform

@Grace  will help you with this. My knowledge will not be enough to answer your question. Enjoy your work.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@da-christian.flynn - have you published your typeform yet? if you have not, that might be the reason why it is not showing up. 

if you still have issues, i suggest contacting Typeform Support at this link and opening a ticket. 


