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Storing Payment for Charging Later

Hello all, 

I am wondering, is it possible to use the Stripe integrate to store payment details without charging for anything? I want the payment details stored into Stripe, since it is secure, but I want to be able to charge the customer after the service. 

For more detail, the service is shipping related and only after their packages are gathered and weighed and everything could I accurately charge them. 


Ben Patton 

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Benanna19 - welcome to the community from another user. 

I think that is more of a question for Stripe that Typeform - how can you trigger the actual payment upon delivery. I understand that you want to collect the info during your typeform workflow into Stripe, but that configuration on how to trigger the payment needs to be determined by and with Stripe. 





Hi, I’m trying to achieve the same thing. Stripe's solution is the following:

Any way to use this with typeform?

Thank you
