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typeform / airtable connection - orc, elf, and goblin 

I got error as below

I tried multi select / drop down at Type form into multi select / single select at air table. but it did not work.

I am not sure what kind of options I added. I just followed the guide of typeform.

Please advice.


Hmm...not a perfect match

The options in your typeform question must be the same as the options in your Airtable field. If your options are orcelf, and goblin in your typeform question, you need orcelf, and goblin in the Airtable field you're matching wit


30 replies

Hi another question related to this topic,

Do you know how to deal with the “Other” option in typeform (so people can answer whatever idea they have) and to integrate it with Airtable?
What should I mention in both airtable and typeform so it matches and allow the integration?


For the moment, it works without the “other” option but as soon as I add it, it generates this error message:

“Hmm...not a perfect match

The options in your typeform question must be the same as the options in your Airtable field. If your options are orc, elf, and goblin in your typeform question, you need orc, elf, and goblin in the Airtable field you're matching with.”


Thank you


Userlevel 7
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Hi @YohanLafon The mapping of the “other” field isn’t currently supported, so you will need to turn that option off in order to connect the integration. You can read more about this here

Thank you very much Liz. Have a great day! Yohan

Had a similar issue due to “Others” toggle enabled for a multiple choice type question. This “Others” that typeform generates didn’t match with the text choice “Others” on Airtable.

Solution: Disable “Others” on Typeform (see image below) and manually enter an option “Others”.


Userlevel 7
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Thanks for sharing that, @lesterprem !
