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I’m currently getting several errors with Typeform/Salesforce integration.  

API Callout Error: 401 - Unauthorized

Exception: Search Term exceeded max length

Exception: Insert failed. First exception on row 8

Is there a way to setup typefrom to just push data once, instead of looking to update old data?

@picsoung do you happen to know what these errors mean? 

Hi @crm.ninjas The technical support team let me know that this is a bug they have open currently with the developers. I’m following the bug, so I’ll post back here once I have an update on the progress of a fix!

Hi again, @crm.ninjas ! It’s me. One other question I have for you - are you connecting Typeform to Salesforce with an account that has Salesforce included in the plan? You’ll need a Business plan or higher in order to connect to Salesforce. 

Thanks again! Sorry for all the back and forth. 

yes, it is the correct plan. 


It was working and now isn’t working. We were using a test originally and it would push data.   With the new form we only get the API Callout Error: 401 - Unauthorized.
