
Typeform won't publish on my wesbite

  • 9 February 2021
  • 21 replies

Userlevel 2

Hello everyone! I am new to TypeForm so could really use your help. I created this form and embedded this on my website (Go Daddy builder). But when I publish the update, the Typeform doesn’t show up. Does it take a few days to propagate onto a third party website? It’s been over 24 hours! Is this normal? Please advice!

21 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @diya.sen . thanks for joining the community! Oftentimes, this issue occurs when the form itself has been published, but any changes after the form haven’t been published. If you click the publish button on the form in the builder, this should allow the changes to be live. 


If that doesn’t work, would you mind letting us know which changes aren’t appearing on the live version? 



Userlevel 2

Hi @Liz. Thank for your reply. So my Issue is that after I publish the form and get the embed code and then put it on my website where I want it to live and publish the website… doesn’t show up :(. The space where the form is suppose to be is blank. 

Userlevel 7
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Hi @diya.sen Oh, I see. Do you mind sharing the URL where you have it embedded? I can take a look at the code on the site for you. :grinning:

Userlevel 2

@Liz sent it directly to your inbox. Thank you so much!

Userlevel 7
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Thanks! I’ll take a peek and respond in the thread here in case anyone else runs into the same issue! :) 

Userlevel 2

Hi @Liz 


Yes Diya is my name :)


There is only a HTML widget. No Javascript :(


Here is the screenshot of how it looks on the backend (where I can see the form) but when I publish the doesn't show up :( 



Userlevel 7
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Hi @diya.sen Ah, shoot, that might be the issue. In our code, we run javascript, which is a necessary part of the code to run the form. If GoDaddy doesn’t have a block for javascript, they may be removing the essential element of our code. 

@picsoung or @Nordin Do either of you happen to know if there are any workarounds with GoDaddy? 

I saw an article pop up in Google when searching for an answer, but upon clicking on the article, it redirected me back to their Help Center. :( 

Userlevel 7
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I have a GoDaddy website and have a survey that is embedded - see the button at the bottom of this page - I have had no problems with this loading on the site… 


circumstances and whatnots are likely different as this is not a complex site at my end. 



Userlevel 2

@john.desborough ….did you use the HTML widget to embed the code on GoDaddy website? See my screenshot above

Userlevel 7
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@diya.sen - yes


Userlevel 7
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@diya.sen What is the “Advanced” part of the block you’re using? It looks like you might have an older or different version than what @john.desborough is using, but possibly there is a setting or location in the advanced that will help with the javascript portion.

Userlevel 7
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@john.desborough have you also used the GoDaddy website builder for yours?

@diya.sen I am not an expert in GoDaddy website builder, but looks like it worked by looking to the preview on the left side. I see a typeform.

This looks like a good tutorial to add html code to your GoDaddy page.

Userlevel 7
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@picsoung - yes that typeform is on the GoDaddy website builder - that is what i use for my web site. I have a couple of other typeforms embedded in pages that are published but only visible if you have the link directly to the page (private page). I use popup and standard embed methods and they both are working fine. 

now I am in Canada so i don’t know if the supported version of their websites + marketing builder is the same as the builder that @diya.sen is using.. 


Userlevel 2

Hi @Liz @picsoung @john.desborough 


Thank you for all your responses! I really appreciate it!


I am indeed using the older version of the GoDaddy website builder. I am going to call their customer service to see if there is a way to put in javascript embed. I have other HTML embed stuff on the website and they all work fine.


Is there any way the Typeform also has a HTML code? What are my other options if the website builder does not support the javascript code? I also just paid for my monthly plan. Is there a way to get a refund if all this doesn’t work out? :(


I am really hoping to find a solution! I loved the form I created….and I really need this to show up on the website as we need to launch an ad campaign.


The ADVANCED button honestly doesn’t have anything else. See screenshot.


The FORM button from the menu inputs their already pre-built forms which are soooooooo basic and fugly looking. No place to add any custom code :(



Userlevel 7
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Hi @diya.sen Let us know how the call goes! We’d love to share any insights you may have in case there’s anything we can update in our Help Center. The javascript portion of the code is necessary since this runs the entirety of the form. Let us know if they aren’t able to get the javascript onto your site. 

Userlevel 2



Just spoke with GoDaddy and unfortunately they do not support javascript code for my website builder (legit crying).


Is there ANYWAY you could provide the code without Java? (keeping my hopes high)!

Userlevel 7
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:disappointed_relieved:  I’m pretty sure the javascript is needed (all of our code options have it), unless @picsoung happens to know a fancy workaround!

Userlevel 2

Thanks @Liz. Is there a way to get a refund for the plan? This is so unfortunate :(


@picsoung Please let us know. 



Userlevel 7
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Hi @diya.sen  - Our billing team would need to take a peek at your account to see if a refund is possible, and they can be contacted here. :) 

Userlevel 7
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Just spoke with GoDaddy and unfortunately they do not support javascript code for my website builder (legit crying).

Sorry to hear this, JavaScript is really the base at every modern web experience…
One alternative would be to use an iframe like this.

<iframe src=""></iframe>

It won’t have all the nice fancy options but it should be embedded.

Userlevel 2

Thank you @Liz ...will contact the billing team and hope they can help me.


@picsoung thank you for the suggestion. Really appreciate it. However, it really does take away from the beauty of the form :(


Hope I can come back to Typeform in the future. Thank you for all the incredible support guys….at least I know what to do next!



