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Unique PIN to a list of users (cascading)?

  • 9 July 2024
  • 5 replies

is it possible to assign a unique PIN to a list of users (cascading)?

I need to make sure that a user fills in a company FORM to request clothing or IPR. 

To avoid bogus or mistakenly created orders, I need to be sure that the form is filled in by the person placing the clothing order, I should then assign him a personal and unique PIN, e.g. of three digits. 
Since the staff changes often, I should have a simple procedure that does not involve external platforms. 

I have tried searching for solutions but cannot find any. Can anyone give me a hand 

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out. 

@john.desborough did you once have a random number assigning workaround? 

@john.desborough did you once have a random number assigning workaround? 

@Liz  - there are a couple of ways to do this - you could generate a random number using a spreadsheet and then put it into a custom field in a CRM and add it to the URL as a hidden field … whenever you add a user to the company directory, add them to the spreadsheet and update their random number and add it to the record. 


you could also do this from a Google Sheet by putting everyone in the company in there, and creating the random PIN as a field in the google sheet. you can then combine the necessary fields as hidden variables in a field that has the URL and then mail that link out to the users from the Google Sheet. 

you could use some google scripting, zapier or Document Studio to do that. 

that way when someone places an order in the form, you can connect the form to a google sheet and then validate that the order came from a person that had a valid PIN (do a vlookup) and then process the order. 


at least with only 3 coffees, that’s my suggestion



It might depends on what you use to maintain that list of staff.
Let’s assume it’s google sheet for now.
You have columns with first name, last name, email, .. any other relevant data.

In your form you should add a hidden field (read more about hidden fields here) to pass information about the employee, it could be their employee id, their email… a combination of both. you dedice

Then for each employee you generate the link to place their order

They can place the order filling out the form.

You can connect to google sheet via the typeform integration, so every single response gets push to the sheet.
And using google formulas make sure that only one order is taking into account per employee per X years.

With this you are using Google Sheet as the backend to manage employees and orders.
And once every often you go through the order list and get the fulfill them.

Thank you @john.desborough and @picsoung ! Let us know if you give any of these a try, @Priamo77 

Hi guys, thanks a lot, 
I found the method of entering an ascata of names - link for each name to a short text - correct short text continues, wrong PIN returns to the beginning. 
It is a safe but very complex process having to enter 200 people. 

Thanks again. 

