
How to trigger Videoask question flow from the specific question

  • 22 December 2022
  • 11 replies

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Hi there! Thanks you guys for helping with questions

Is there a way to send the user to completing Videoask question flow from a specific question ID or order if he didn’t complete the whole flow?

I know that Videoask is sending a webhook whether that flow is completely answered or not. So maybe I can do this based on that

Saw also that it’s available for typeform, but my question related to Videoask

Thank you


Best answer by andrew_videoask 27 December 2022, 14:38

View original

11 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hey @Yuriy great question!

I’m not 100% sure on this one, but I don’t think it’s possible to do with a webhook, you might be able to use the API to trigger an action from a question ID though - here’s the documentation for retrieving the question ID.

I’m sure once @andrew_videoask is back from his holidays he’ll have some more ideas on too 😁

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@Grace @andrew_videoask Hey guys!
Just to make it clear, we’re embed Videoask as an iFrame. So the user is able to go through the particaular form (questions flow) in our app.

And my question is if the user didn’t complete the whole flow can we then direct him to make this form completed that begins from the last question he was completed previously?

Thank you 

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Hey @Yuriy would you need to automate that flow, so it automatically generates a way to pick up where the respondent left off? 


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@Grace Yeah, exactly

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Hi @Yuriy 👋

This isn’t a feature that’s available out of the box with VideoAsk, but it’s a great idea! The ability for respondents to pick up where they left off could be extremely useful.

If your videoask is very complex and involves many branches of logic, I probably wouldn’t recommend the following workaround. But if your workflow is more basic, you could try the following:

  • Duplicate the main videoask
  • In the duplicated videoask, delete the first step
  • Duplicate the duplicated videoask, delete the first step (and so on until your last videoask only has the final step remaining)
  • Now that you have a unique videoask/link for each remaining step of the videoask, you can set up webhooks
  • You’ll probably need to write some custom code to analyze the webhook delivery. If the respondent’s progress for completing the videoask is incomplete/dropped off, you’ll want to identify the last question they answered. Based on that step (e.g. step 2/5), you’ll then email them the link to the appropriate duplicated videoask. 

The most challenging element of this workaround is unifying the respondent’s responses across videoasks. You should be able to use a unique identifier like the respondent’s email or respondent ID, but you’ll need to determine where you want to centralize that data. Will you store it in your own database, Google Sheets, etc.? 

I hope this helps! 

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Hi @andrew_videoask! Glad you’ve back from a holiday!

Thanks for your detail reply. Yep, I got the idea, thought the same way btw

I don’t know if I can ask another question in this thread, let me know if not

Is this possible to provide opportunity for user to make answers only? We want to ask users questions that are provided from our app side. I.e. we have a list of questions and users can answer to any by video.

In other words we simply want to embed videosk providing only recording answers, but not to show a question itself. We will keep questions on our side. Maybe we can create a form only with answers flow or use API to call Videoask interface and record responses only?


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Hi @Yuriy, great question!

Unfortunately, it’s not currently possible to only display the recording interface.

That being said, you could use a neutral video (like solid black, white, etc.) and only include one button for the respondent to record their answer.

I understand this isn’t an ideal solution, but it’s the next best solution. I hope this helps, or at least helps you brainstorm some ideas!

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@andrew_videoask Ohh, got it, thanks. Then the last question for this thread if I can

Can we remove/hide somehow the “Videoask” spinner when the embed element is loading? We use a BRAND plan


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@Yuriy Do you see this spinner when the embed first loads or at some other point?

I just tried embedding a custom branded videoask, which uses a custom logo. Instead of seeing the graphic in your screenshot, it simply says “firing up” with no trace of VideoAsk or Typeform branding. 

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@andrew_videoask Yep, sorry, that shows “Firing up” in BRAND plan. And question is can we not to show this graphic at all?

And as a probable idea for your answer here
Probably it’s good to have a Folder API call which contains all nested Videoasks (question flows)

Userlevel 7
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@Yuriy You should be able to remove that graphic (or at least the text) by customizing your videoask’s interface text.

Essentially, you could replace the “firing up” text with a blank space character. 
