Integrate videoask record link automatically in a field | Community
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Hi all, 
I’m currently building an app, where user populates a standard form. At the end of the form, he’s asked to record a video by clicking on a button, leading him to a Videoask popup. 
I would like to make things like this: once he finishes recording, the link will be generated and goes automatically in the form (there’s a field for that). That way, the user does not have to copy/paste the link from Videoask to the form. 

I was wondering if I won’t get any issue regarding privacy matter, by using the API. Could you help me on that please?

Hi @AniaRa this sounds cool! What’s your use case for the app if you don’t mind me asking?

Would you be wanting to send the response link back to your form? Once they’ve recorded their video message that link goes to the form? 

What kind of privacy issues were you thinking of? I think you’d be able to do this using the API but let me know if there’s anything specific you’re worried about. You can always add a consent check box to the contact form if you need to add in any T&Cs to the videoask.

Thanks @Grace 
Actually, in my app a user fills out a form and has to record a video message by clicking on a link. This link will lead him to a popup and once he’s done, I would like the response link automatically sent to the form, in a field. 

For the privacy issue, I was worried about the thing like do we need to get the user’s agreement to use his video, but since I use my account to store videos, I think there is no issue on that. 

So if you tell me that I can do this with the API, without any blocking points, then it’s great! :) 

Hey @AniaRa if you’re collecting contact details with the video message you could always add on a consent check box to confirm how you’re using the videos and that participants are happy to continue 😊

Sounds like a good setup! Would love to know how you get on with this, keep us posted!
