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Hello everyone,

we have many many typeforms for many topics in our company and use them internally and externally in four and sometimes five languages.

To get some order we have a lot of workspaces, usually one for every language/country.

However some of these workspaces are getting pretty filled up now and sometimes we have to search for a few moments to find a relevant typeform survey/quiz. 

I now have the following question: Is it possible to create folders in workspaces in order to get a better overview over the typeforms in the workspace and sort them separately?


This would be super helpful. 

Hi @daniel Thanks for stopping by! We don’t have a folders feature within each workspace, but this is a great idea. I’ll share it with the product team, and in the meantime, I would suggest creating workspaces to help narrow down the forms. You can make as many workspaces as you’d like for no additional charge. 😁

It seems you have a pretty interesting use case @daniel! Can you tell us how many workspaces do you have (what are the languages/countries)? I'd also love to take a look at your forms. Maybe we can give some feedback, so don't forget to share them with us! 😉

Hey @Gabi Amaral,
We currently have 14 workspaces, but we will have to add quite a few soon.

Currently we have a DEV workspace and a Live workspace for every language country combination.

German Germany DEV
German Germany Live

German Austria DEV
German Austria Live

German Switzerland DEV
German Switzerland Live

Italian Italy DEV
Italian Italy Live

Portuguese Portugal DEV
Portuguese Portugal Live

We also have an Archive workspace and a couple more workspaces for our companies second smaller homepage.


We use the typeforms to provide instant counseling based on the answers of the visitors on our page.

At the end of every form, there is also a Feedback form linked within the form, which is also built with typeform, because we want to provide a possibility to give us feedback on our instant counseling texts.


This means that we have quite a lot of forms in every workspace and we are planing to expand and provide our service in additional countries and languages over the next few years.


Instead of having to search for the right workspace amongst all of them and then for the right form amongst all the forms in a workspace it would be a lot easier to have folders within a workspace.

All the best,



Hi @daniel That definitely makes sense for needing folders! I’ll share this with the team. 😀

Thanks for sharing @daniel! Very interesting! And may I ask what kind of instant counselling are you providing? Do you already have some of these forms published? (If it's in Portuguese or Italian, I'll be able to understand! Hehehe). 

What is the status on this feature request?

We’re going to have quite a lot of surveys in different countries and languages and for different topics and departments in the organisation. Yes Workspace can work, but it does not add the same amount of detailed, easy to use overview.

+1 to folders within workspaces. This would help us organise our forms by both type and category. Is this on the roadmap yet?

Hi @joel23 Our product team doesn’t have this on the roadmap in the near future, but if that changes, I’ll post an update here!

Any news here on this feature.. would be awesome to have it!

Still waiting for this feature too.
