Wazzup Typeform community
I have a PowerAutomate flow that involves a Tyepform trigger (make that 20 flows!). In this case, I want to pull info from a Typeform into an SMS. My Typeform pulls the open text answers without issue. However, when I pull multiple choice questions or drop down menu selections, the label is dragged along as well. What should I do in order to get the answer text clean and free of that label and symbols? Eg of SMS with labels below
Hi Dimakatso! Thanks for calling the SAYouth Support Line. If you want to find out more about {"label":"Volunteering"} , click here {"label":"https://sayouth.me/VolunteerNow"} . Please note that this website is {"label":"is data free"} . Stay Safe, Stay Smart and Stay Kind. Your Guide, Lucinda . {"label":"Remember: \"The happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.โ"}