Would like to block users from continuing if they don't fill out payment | Community
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Would like to block users from continuing if they don't fill out payment

  • February 26, 2021
  • 3 replies

Hello! I have a type form which requires a payment and there is a discount code which sets the payment to $0. I made the payment section required but users can still bypass it and use the rest of the form. They just can’t submit it at the end. But in this case even those who use the discount code and the payment is $0, they still can’t submit the form without filling out their credit card details.

I would like to make it so when it is $0 it can be skipped, but when it is not the user cannot move forward without making payment. Is this possible?


Best answer by Mariana

Hi @gregs. Welcome to the Community 🥳


That's a good point! :) If there is a required payment question, even if the price is 0, the respondent will be required to answer it to be able to submit the form. To work around this, you can add a logic jump to skip the payment question if the discount code has been used. This is because questions that aren't presented to the respondent would be skipped even if it's required. 


Does it make sense to you? 

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  • Ex–Typefomer
  • February 26, 2021

Hi @gregs. Welcome to the Community 🥳


That's a good point! :) If there is a required payment question, even if the price is 0, the respondent will be required to answer it to be able to submit the form. To work around this, you can add a logic jump to skip the payment question if the discount code has been used. This is because questions that aren't presented to the respondent would be skipped even if it's required. 


Does it make sense to you? 

  • Explorer
  • February 26, 2021

Thanks Mariana! That makes sense, I’ve now set it that way to solve the issue of the $0 requiring card info. Is there any way for those who aren’t using the discount code to require that they fill out their card info and submit payment before they can go on to the next question? As of now they can still skip the question and fill out the rest of the form, they just can’t submit it at the end without the payment.

Thanks so much!

  • Ex–Typefomer
  • February 26, 2021

That great, @gregs! :-)


Regarding this second use case, I believe this thread will be useful for you: 



Feel free to also post there any questions you have regarding this topic, we'll be happy to help! :hugging:
