Hi @Leadsales WhatsApp CRM I took a look at your ticket/billing issues with our support team. Our support team has been consistently responding to your messages today, though I do apologize that it took a few days to hear back from them.
Since the payment on your account failed, it downgraded your account and thus lowered the priority of the ticket. Additionally, each email sent before an agent could help pushed back the priority as well (just be sure to wait for an initial response for any future tickets!). They have helped you get back on our newer plan since it wasn’t possible to subscribe to the original plan you had, which caused multiple charges on your account (for the amount owed and the difference in the new plan).
As the support team has already been helping you, please continue to respond (or wait for their response) to your messages so they can further help you. They’ll be the best resource for help since they have access to your account and billing (and we don’t here in the community).
If you have any questions about Typeform in the meantime, let us know!