Hello community! I need to uniquely identify each response from the typeform, to redirect each user to a different url of the type https://final_url.com/?id=unique_id.
It would be very easy if each typeform response had its unique id which could then be stored in a variable, but it doesn't.
Any suggestions to solve it? Thanks!
Best answer by DimNC
The is not a feature like this within the form itself (just after the submit button is clicked).
One way to do that, if you know PHP, is to create a script that will :
Instead of sending your respondents a link to your Typeform, send them a link to a .php page that:
Generates a unique identifier (aka GUID, ex: 12345)
Adds the GUID as a parameter to your Typeform URL (my.typeform.com/form?hiddenfield1=x&GUID=12345)
Automatically redirects on your Typeform
Then, on Typeform, set “GUID” as an hidden field
On your exit page, set the redirection link to https://final_url.com/?id=GUID
Hi @Garral Happy Monday! Once the form is submitted, it generates a response ID, which is unique to each respondent, though it isn’t possible to add this to the redirect URL since the form needs to be submitted first.
Are you directing the respondents into the form from somewhere? For example, if they’re coming from your CRM system, you could add a unique ID to their CRM profile and then pass that into the form using hidden fields.
Thank you Liz for your reply. I really need the unique code to be generated before submitting the Typeform as the user is anonymous when it comes to completing the form. Hope the development team takes this into account as it doesn't seem difficult to implement. Greetings
Ah, I see, @Garral . We don’t have a feature like this within the form itself (just after the submit button is clicked), but I can share this feature suggestion with them.