Dear Typeform community,
For a personal project I want to create and app-like form, with complex calculations behind the scene.
I know it’s possible to add logic, calculations and hidden fields to the forms. However, I was wondering if it is also possible to run javascript code or something like that. I was looking at the following features:
- Auto-complete an adress
- Make calculations based on given dates (calculate time difference given date and current date)
- Request information from an api based on given adress
- Store information behind the form in a key-value like fashion (or a good workaround in hidden variables)
I think I can get very far with typeform, but I’m a bit worried about the request data from an api part and the date calculations, which should be doable if it is possible to run some javascript. However, I found this post which says it is not possible.
Does anyone know whether these features are achievable? Or should I try to make something simpler.