Having a search stage between two diferent forms using webhooks | Community
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Having a search stage between two diferent forms using webhooks

Hi there,


Please forgive me if this has already been covered - I’m not sure if this is even possible using Typeform but thought I’d ask.


I’m building an eligibility screener for a service we provide that needs to be able to check user information against an outside source and then pull this information into a form (I imagine via a combination of hidden fields and webhooks).


So stages would be:

  • Client completes eligibility screener
  • Webhook is triggered to retrieve client information from existing table (Zapier)
  • Client info is retrieved and filtered into next form via hidden fields and displayed to Client

For the client this would present as one continuous process.


Thanks for the help!


Best answer by mathio-tf

I think this might actually work with embedded forms:

  • embed eligibility screener typeform
  • use the onSubmit callback to retrieve the responseId for current respondent
  • in the callback make an API call using the responseId to your own endpoint
    • the endpoint can fetch the response via API
    • it will determine eligibility
    • it can return values of hidden fields for next typeform
  • embed next typeform with hidden fields from API call in previous step

Alternatively, you could use a webhook to receive the response and save the eligibility check result in database. However I dont think it is necessary.

If you would like some help feel free to share some code, via eg. CodeSandbox or Glitch.

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Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • 14840 replies
  • August 9, 2023

Hi @luisjbdouglas Thanks for stopping by! I’ve been wondering how people use the tables feature in Zapier. This makes so much sense!

We wouldn’t have this feature available in the initial form, as the data needs to be within the form itself and can’t check outside sources, but would you be able to use two forms? 

@mathio this would possibly work with an embedded form/redirect, right? Or am I thinking too wild? 😂

  • Typeform
  • 888 replies
  • Answer
  • August 10, 2023

I think this might actually work with embedded forms:

  • embed eligibility screener typeform
  • use the onSubmit callback to retrieve the responseId for current respondent
  • in the callback make an API call using the responseId to your own endpoint
    • the endpoint can fetch the response via API
    • it will determine eligibility
    • it can return values of hidden fields for next typeform
  • embed next typeform with hidden fields from API call in previous step

Alternatively, you could use a webhook to receive the response and save the eligibility check result in database. However I dont think it is necessary.

If you would like some help feel free to share some code, via eg. CodeSandbox or Glitch.

Ibrahim masudi

Hello 🤩 is good to share content if you have which will bring us one community/society everyday, you can follow steps below: 1) Set up your first form as the search form,

     - Create the search from where users enter their search criteria.

     - Configure a webhook for this form that sends the entered search criteria to your desired endpoint or server

2) Implement the search functionality,

      - on your server or endpoint, receive the webhook payload with the search criteria.

      - process the search criteria and perform the necessary searches or query your database.

      - Return the search results to the webhook response or store them temporary,

3) Set-up your second form as the result form, 

      - create the result form where users will see the search results.

      - Configure a webhook for this form that sends the search results to your desired endpoint or server

4) Retrieve the search results,

      - on your endpoint or server, receive the webhook payload containing the search results.

     - Format and populate the search results in your second form, prefilling relevant Fields or display them in a suitable format.


Thanks for the replies guys!


Unfortunately, this is all being built within Zapier Interfaces, which is great but doesn’t allow for embedded forms (currently). 


It might be a bit beyond what is possible right now, but i’ll keep in mind if it updates in the future!


Thanks again,

