I have built and rebuilt my typeform and now I am wondering if what I want to build is even possible in this format, so before I try another 50 ways I wanted to ask for advice.
I have built a form with multiple groups of questions the first multiple-choice question asked determines which group of questions you go to, this works great.
Next, there are 3 categories of multiple-choice questions, in theory, all the options are possible but the correct pattern of options has to be selected to get to the correct outcome.
for example, the user could choose from
group 1 questions- options ABCDE
group 2 questions - ABC
group 3 questions ABCD
to get to outcome 1: AAA have to pair up
to get to outcome 2. ACC have to pair up
to get to outcome 2: ACC is chosen in addition to D but I need D to be ignored because the correct pattern to get to outcome 2 was identified.
When all options from the multiple choice questions are possible if the correct pattern is chosen it takes you to outcome 1. ALSO if the correct pattern is chosen plus other options the other options are ignored because the correct pattern has already been identified and so this also takes you to outcome 1.
Is this possible here? I have tried branching logic, branching logic + outcome. I started building scoring …
I just need to know how to use logic to tell the typeform to ignore “extra” choices once the correct pattern is selected.
Any Advice is appreciated. Thank you!!