I have a survey that I want to send to people within multiple organizations. I would like to be able to tabulate the results by organization and then as a collective. In SurveyMonkey, I would use “collectors” that create unique URLs for each organization, but then report the results together. I can then use the collectors as tags to sort out answers and see results by each organization (see picture below).
Does Typeform have a way to do this without requiring the user to list their organization and using that as a sort?
Best answer by john.desborough
@B3NG - interesting use case. if you are doing the sending of the email, and you have the list of email addresses from various organizations, you could create a variable in typeform for each organization (v-company-one, v-company-two as examples) and then use those as hidden fields to attach to the URL for your type form. along the lines of:
@B3NG - interesting use case. if you are doing the sending of the email, and you have the list of email addresses from various organizations, you could create a variable in typeform for each organization (v-company-one, v-company-two as examples) and then use those as hidden fields to attach to the URL for your type form. along the lines of:
Wow, thanks! I am assuming that if I don’t know the email, I could use the company name at the end of the URL and use hidden fields to filter, correct?
Wow, thanks! I am assuming that if I don’t know the email, I could use the company name at the end of the URL and use hidden fields to filter, correct?
@B3NG - you could use any identifier that you want: my suggestion would be to use something that is easy enough to filter ‘visually’ when you are looking at the details but also easy enough to work with if you are extracting the data into a spreadsheet, analytics tool or database. Some formats are easier to work with in other backend tools.
Thanks for this! I’m also looking to move from Survey Monkey Collectors to Typeform. My use case is that I would like to be able to add new “collectors” in the future, but keep the survey intact and be able to both look at them collector by collector, but also together. I’d also like to be able to add up to hundreds of “collectors”, which makes variables not perfect to work with; it’s my understanding that the URL get’s longer for each variable, as well as that I need to keep the variable in some type of code name (like company_one in your example) as I don’t want the company name disclosed to other clients, ie; shown in the URL. Have I understood the feature correctly as above, or is there a better way to use it?
Or has there been any updates to this since your last conversations? It’s surprising to me that it’s not a core feature of Typeform, as I think it’s basic to be able to send same survey but easily both separate and compare the results.