Hi @KarenB are you using the Typeform wordpress plugin? I had a look and indeed the height isn’t working properly, I created a ticket for our team and we will look in to it as soon as possible.
Meanwhile if you are able to edit the generated html code, it will look like this
<div data-tf-opacity="100" data-tf-medium="embed-wordpress" data-tf-widget="{your form id}" style="height:800;width:100%" id="widget" class="wp-block-typeform-embed-plugin"></div>
You could edit the part of code
style="height:800;width:100%" and change it to style="height:800px;width:100%"
Or any height you need your form to be, if you want the typeform to take the whole page you could try using height: 100vh.
If you post the link to your website I can have a look and suggest a quick fix, meanwhile be reassured we are working on this and we will fix it ASAP.