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Link won't send in email


I have published my Typeform and now trying to copy and paste the link into an email to send.  The email appears in my sent items but noone ever receives the form.  I’ve tried a couple of different ways and none seem too work.  I’ve also tried in Outlook and GMail, neither work. Please help!


Update: the survey has sent but took about 1.5 hours, is this normal?!

@thepollycat - depends on your CRM/email service provider… That’s not an issue that is related to typeform itself.. 



The weird thing was that emails without the link in sent immediately! 🤷🏼‍♀️

Check with your esp to see if they do ‘link checking’ on emails that are sent… some do, and some spam filters might slow down the email based on links as well… 

again: it’s the email end and not typeform.. 

Thanks for the info!
