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could anybody help me with the following issue.
I updated the meta link image a week ago. Still the correct image is not being shown when I want to share the typeform on LinkedIn.

It still shows our old logo, which obiously we don’t want to share anymore:)


@Tessakb - welcome to the community from a fellow user. 

I had the same issue.. but by using the link below, i was able to get my metapreview “re-scraped” and it worked fine after that..


try it out and hope it works for you



Thank you @john.desborough it worked!

Thank you @john.desborough it worked!

@Tessakb - glad to hear that! cheers



When i post my quiz at Linkedin, the right title does not show up..

this is what people see - this is wrong

They should be able to see this title


Hi @JKMaint I’ve added your post here where we have the answer. 😀

Hi! This thread and other similar ones are quite valuable to me, as I’ve faced the same issue. The title in the link preview doesn’t show correctly; it describes the name of the typeform and not the custom title that I’ve entered there. Everything works correctly when I share my typeform via Facebook Messenger, and the problem is with LinkedIn. Post Inspector didn’t help; at least a day passed, and nothing changed. Could you please advise how to fix it? Cause I don’t want respondents to see the name of the typeform, I want to share a typeform with a specific title. Thanks. @Liz 

Hi @Veronika Linkedin can take a little bit longer, sometimes more than a day. If you’ve already tried updating the information here:

it may be worth giving it a few days to update on LinkedIn’s side. 

Hi @Liz ! Several days passed - nothing changed. That’s really a pity as now I need to create and test another form’s name.

@Veronika - the issue is at LinkedIn’s end.. not Typeform. you would have to contact the support team at LinkedIn to get the details on how to implement it within that platform ..

i have had to send several clients down that path ..



Thanks, @john.desborough , you’re right. I’ll try this way)
