Redirection my url to go to te quizz | Community
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Hello all,


i’am looking to redirect from my url to typeform url by this way :]

XXXXX is definite by a code in the db that give all the var for the typeform and next will redirect to………………….


Thanks you if you have solutions 

Example : 

  1. Click on the link shared => this var is already definate, we shared already changed
  2. Looking in the DB to see wich var 1 et var2 are for 51F1D2
  3. Redirect to the type form with these var /?var1=xxx&Var2=xxx

Hi @hgkgulj ,

On your wesbite (i.e "mysite") you would need to process the "code" (in your example it is 51F1D2)

From your external db fetch the relevant variables related to this code and simply construct the Typeform URL (based on the fetched variables) by passing the variables as appropriate query parameters.


Then simply redirect your user to the above created Typeform URL
