Remembering answers | Community
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Hello community! I’d very much like some help with how the system might be able to remember answers from a symptom checker/questionnaire. Ideally, at the end of the questions, the answers can be downloaded to the pts email as a pdf or integrated into the online account with Carebit (the booking software). I don’t want patients to have two login at the beginning, because I don’t want any barriers to getting them to enter the funnel, but if they do book to come and see me I’d still like access to the answers that they gave during the questionnaire. 

Essentially patience will come to my new website answer a few questions I have a diagnosis made and hopefully book in to see me but I don’t wanna lose the data that they’ve input.
Hope that makes sense!

Hi @AliP Yes, all this makes sense! While our software can’t pull in or remember past entires, you could use hidden fields to pass data into the form. I’d have to dig into Carebit a little more to see if this would be possible, but in the meantime, are you having respondents answer the form on an iPad/something kiosk-like? 

Correct. They’d be filling it in online through the front end. 
not actually in the clinic though. 

Oh got it, @AliP ! Do you happen to know if Carebit has the option to pass data outside of its system, such as through hidden fields? I looked on their website to see if they had a Help Center I could reference, but I’m not able to find a public one. 

I will reach out to them. How will that help integrations? Please excuse my ignorance!

Hi @AliP Ask as many questions as you’d like! Since we don’t have an integration with them, you could possibly embed the form into the platform and then pass data through hidden fields into the form

Hopefully that helps explain a bit better. 😀
