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Respondent problem with populating date field

  • 23 February 2021
  • 13 replies

Date Question (Classic Builder): I sent out a BETA-test survey with a current "Date Question" to 16 employees. One respondent survey got "stuck" on the date question (PC, Win 10) and it would not allow the fields to be populated. The other questions in the survey worked correctly for this person but it could not be completed. Is this a Win 10 settings problem or an internet glitch? I asked them to open the survey email again and the problem persisted--it was stuck at 91% complete. Thanks.

Hi @dkvacman that certainly shouldn’t be happening. :anguished:  Do you mind sharing a link to the form so I can try? And what browser are they using? 

Thanks in advance. :grinning:

Thanks, Liz.

Here is a link to the form:

It was viewed by the respondent on Google Chrome. The other 15 out of 16 respondents had no problem.

Thanks for your review of this.


Hi @dkvacman thanks! I just gave it a go and was able to submit the form. Do you know if they are moving their cursor into the date field at all or trying to type right when they get to the field?

That’s good news. I would not consider this user a novice when it comes to online forms, but tomorrow morning I will be in the office when the BETA test survey is replicated. At that point, I should be able to put my own eyes on their computer screen. Thanks for looking into it. I will let you know how it goes.



Hey @dkvacman. Sounds good then =)


Let us know how it goes. We hope to hear some good news! 

Update: I observed the single problematic contact complete our survey today. As soon as the email was opened, all of the survey fields (except the date) auto-populated with the same answers he/she input yesterday. The date field was still unresponsive.


We looked into the Google Chrome settings / Autofill / Clear Browsing Data / Advanced Settings / Autofill Form Data...the “autofill form data” box was unchecked, just like other respondents that I followed up on.


There is still something unique to this respondent’s problem. 



Hi @dkvacman the data will save on the respondent’s browser for up to 15 days until they submit the form, so what you’re seeing with the information already filled is expected. Can you confirm if they were able to click into the date field or not? If you’re also able to grab a video of the issue, that would be handy, too!

We were unable to solve the problem with the "locked" date field by changing browser settings. I devised a work-around by changing the "Date" question to a "Short Text" question and it solved the problem. Thanks for your prompt responses to my posts! We are enjoying the Typeforms experience and will be implementing it in other areas of our business.



@dkvacman glad you were able to figure out a workaround and happy to hear you’re liking typeform. 🙂 I’d love to hear about how you’re using the forms in your business!

According to the HTML5 specification, the date input is not supported on < Chrome v20 (2012 prior) and Internet Explorer. I am having the same issue.

Thanks, @Victor Gatto ! Have you tried the solution above as a workaround? 

@Liz Yes, I am implementing the above as a temporary solution however I will most likely resort to detecting the users browser version and use that value as a hidden field to display the correct field.

Thanks, @Victor Gatto . Let us know how that goes for you! 
