Social share icons not pulling through | Community
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Social share icons not pulling through



I’m trying to create a quiz for an email to supporters. At the end we are asking them to share the quiz with their friends on their social media. However it keeps pulling through like the below. 

I’ve changed it on the meta preview bit but nothing is happening!



Best answer by Brooke - Fiona

Hi Liz


just to let you know I got Linkedin to work but clicking this



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Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • 14883 replies
  • June 22, 2021

Hi @Brooke - Fiona thanks for stopping by! If you just updated the meta information, it can take some time to appear on the live version. Additionally, you’ll want to be sure to click the Publish button so the changes are live. 

You may also need to clear the cache (aka update the information!) on the social sites themselves. For example, you can update the appearance on Twitter here.

Let me know if this helps! :grin:

Hi Liz!


thanks for the advice, I’ve followed the steps but unfortunately linkedin still doesn’t work.


I’ve cleared the cache etc and it doesn’t seem to be changing anything. Could this just be a time thing?




Hi Liz


just to let you know I got Linkedin to work but clicking this



Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • 14883 replies
  • June 23, 2021

Glad to hear you got LinkedIn to update, @Brooke - Fiona ! Let us know if you have any other questions. :grin:
