Hi @Angella Conrard Do you mind sharing the URL where you have your videoask so we can take a look? Thanks in advance!
Thank you, @Angella Conrard ! I took a look at the form and website, and here are some initial suggestions:
- On the website, there are quite a few popups that happen all at once (not just the video form). If possible, I’d reduce the number of these, as I found myself clicking out of all of them to be able to scroll through your page.
- I might suggest adding in some text to the popup button you have embedded (instructions on how to do that here). For example, you could add something like, “ask me anything!” (or however you want to phrase that)
- @Grace might have some better feedback on this but Grace, do you know if there’s data around how long the intro video should be? I want to suggest shortening a bit so the respondent dives right into questions, but I’m not sure if you’ve seen that to help or not. (Also, could she have the video and the contact field together? Instead of separate like it is now?)
Hopefully that helps a bit!
@Liz thank you so much for taking a look. I’ll wait for the @Grace feedback, but I’m curious about your pop up comment. I only have one pop up for the newsletter. The videoask is in the lower right corner and my Google reviews are in the lower left. Kindly, what pop ups are your referring to?
Hey @Angella Conrard I did spot the newsletter sign up pop up, maybe it comes in a bit quick but I don’t know how much of a bother that is.
In terms of the videoask, we don’t have any data around how long a video should be, although I would always recommend keeping it as succinct as possible and yours is already under a minute.
Have you checked the drop off rate to see at what point people are leaving? It could help you decide which step you want to make changes to.
You could also try reducing the number of options on the first step to three, to try and get people through the door and warmed up to you a bit more before they commit to sharing their contact info. I think you’ve done a good job of explaining why you need it and reassuring people that you won’t be spamming them, so I think I would suggest creating a couple of versions of the videoask to do some testing to see what gets you the best results.
You might also be interested in re-watching our workshop with community champion @Darnell How to attract leads and wow customers through interactive conversations. Darnell is using VideoAsk in a similar way on his website and offers some great advice on capturing peoples attention and getting them through the virtual door.
Hope that helps, but let us know if you have more questions! 
@Grace, thx for the tag and sharing our workshop link with @Angella Conrard!
I think you and @Liz have already made some solid suggestions.
Angella, I hope the feedback from everyone thus far is useful?
@Angella Conrard some other thoughts I had after visiting your home page:
- There feels like there’s a lot happening all at once: the moving slideshow at the top, the playable video, your contact info, etc. so it feels quite busy; I’d reduce this.
- Perhaps your video drop-offs may simply mean that visitors prefer to navigate your website and/or have learned what they needed to before going through the rest of your videoask.
- You could try making your videoask itself the star of the show, as in, send leads, ads, etc. directly to your videoask rather than your website so that they’re immersed only in your videoask experience. They could less distracted this way; just an idea.
@Darnell Great suggestions. I’ll watch the webinar. Most of the leads are landing via mobile. I think I have to think this through and redo the videos. It was just so much work to get it set up. I hate thinking of redoing them. Encourage people to leave there info, otherwise I can’t answer their questions.
@Darnell Great suggestions. I’ll watch the webinar. Most of the leads are landing via mobile. I think I have to think this through and redo the videos. It was just so much work to get it set up. I hate thinking of redoing them. Encourage people to leave there info, otherwise I can’t answer their questions.
@Angella Conrard happy to help.
Yeah, if most of your leads are coming in via their smartphones, I’d see about directing mobile traffic to your videoask itself rather than your website and testing for a week or two whether that reduces drop-offs. I’d be surprised if it didn’t and if that’s the case, then that would signal that the videoask may need some reworking; not necessary redoing the videos.
Thanks for sharing your wisdom @Darnell 
Let us know if you decide to make any changes @Angella Conrard we’d love to hear how it goes!
Also, I moved your post under VideoAsk conversations to make it easier to find.