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Hi there,

Is it possible to copy or share a VideoAsk project from one account to another?

I know it's possible to invite someone to a team so they can edit the project, but in this case, I’d like to transfer my current VideoAsk project to a different account.

Alternatively, is it possible to export the current project and import it into another account?

Note: It’s not about sharing the VideoAsk video results with a user, but rather about sharing the entire project map.

Thank you!

Hey @Sang Truong thanks for stopping by!

Yes you can move a videoask to another organization, we have a Help Center article here which explains how to do it, but essentially you should be able to click on the three dots on that particular videoask and select move to another org



This will move the videoask and all responses to the new organization. 

You’ll need to be a member of that organization already to move it, and once you’ve moved it you won’t have access in the old org (so if you need it in both, it might be worth duplicating it first!)

Hope that helps, but let me know if you have more questions!

Hi @Grace,


Nice, this is really helpful! Thank you for the response! 


I have one more question: is it then possible to transfer the whole account to another organization and update the billing to that company?

Hi @Sang Truong happy to help! 

If you want to move the whole account over, you’d need to manually move each videoask, there isn’t a way to move the entire account in one go at the moment.

We have this article about transferring oranization ownership which might be useful if you’re making changes. 

Thanks for the help, @Grace ! 😁

Hi @Grace ,


I'm planning to transfer the entire account by updating the email address, as outlined in the article you provided.


I also want to update the billing information, particularly the payment methods. Can I remove the saved payment methods or change the current primary one?

I dont seem to find where i can remove the payment method. So i guess there must be at least 1 payment method saved, am I right?


Thank you.

Ahh and 1 more question: 

If I invite someone to join my team, does their account need to be on the same plan as the organization?


Thank you!

Hey @Sang Truong 😊

If you go to the Plan & Billing section of your account you should see the option to Manage billing information, from here you can update the card details. We have another Help Center article here that talks you through making these changes.

If you invite someone to be a team member on your account, they don’t need to be on the same plan as you, they could be on the Free plan and work in a Brand plan org for example. 

Hopefully that helps!

Crystal clear! Thank you for the fast response, @Grace ! 😁

You’re welcome @Sang Truong let me know if you need help with anything else!
