I have added a Videoask widget to the bottom of my page - the little circular one that pops out from the corner of the page. Then I added one on the next page. And the next. I did a little code to embed a page number in each, so I know which page people were on when they send me the customer service request. The problem is this: As a person works down the page menu on the side of my site, the first widget doesn’t disappear. It stays. On the next page, the second widget just appears over it. Then the third on the third page, etc. It doesn’t visually look like a problem since they’re all the same size and shape, but my concern with this is the following: If someone hits the minus sign to dismiss one, the others are still there (you’d have to hit the minus sign several times to get rid of them all) then the person might click the one from 2 or 3 pages ago, and my automated customer service process will not reflect the correct page/question that the customer was asking about. Is there a way to ensure the widget disappears when someone changes website pages?
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