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Please consider adding an ‘Address field’ just like you have a ‘Phone field’. It’s important to be able to easily capture the customer’s address without having to go through 5 or 6 pages. I’m sorry if this is a repeat request but I think it’s a very important part of any registration or on-boarding form. Automatic integration with Google map or other API (such as algolia) would be great! 

  • Street address
  • Unit
  • City
  • Province / State
  • Zip / Postal Code
  • Country

Hi @Tiran Happy Monday! Thanks for stopping by the community and apologies for the delay - I’ve been out on holiday the past few weeks. While we don’t have this feature yet, our developers are working on adding new integration blocks to the forms, so I can share this feedback with them. 🙂 Tagging @kabir.mathur here for some visibility! 

Thank you for the reply Liz. I think this feature will be very well received :relaxed:

@Tiran Of course! Let me know if you think of any other questions or suggestions. :grin:

Thanks for the suggestion @Tiran. We are aware of this requirement and will be building solutions for the address field including real-time validations in the future.

Oh yay!! That’s good news to hear, @kabir.mathur ! Thank you!!

Is there a way to set up fields for an address so that we can request an address in proper format IE Street Address, state, and zip code, and furthermore is it possible to verify that it is a correct address?

Hello @ProPedia Team! Welcome to the Typeform Community! :blue_heart:

I moved your question to this thread where you'll find the answer for it. Unfortunately, we still don't have this feature, however, it's something our Product team has been working on! 

Wishing you a great week! :wave_tone2:

HI! @Gabi Amaral 

Any updates on the address field? “feature?”

Thank you. 


Hi @Tiran Happy Monday! Thanks for stopping by the community and apologies for the delay - I’ve been out on holiday the past few weeks. While we don’t have this feature yet, our developers are working on adding new integration blocks to the forms, so I can share this feedback with them. 🙂 Tagging @kabir.mathur here for some visibility! 

This feature we requested 20months back and it is difficult to understand why TF team is overlooking established user behavior on address input. All ecomm sites have this in one screen with 4-5 fields. asking user to input it on 5 different screens is a recipe for massive drop off and we are seeing it. 

Hi @WOOP Our product team develops and introduces features based on priority, number of requests, and the workload it takes to add those features. Right now, they’re working on some heftier ones that will require multiple teams and have a higher priority. As always, if anything changes, we’ll post updates here!

Hi Typeformies

As almost ALL online forms now have an address database function using postcode (for UK) - it seems amazing that Typeform hasn’t got to this yet? I see the question has been asked a few times but how far up the dev list is it?

People always have their own ‘special’ ways of typing in their addresses, and if this was available it would clean up data capture perfectly. 



Hi @nickcfiireland Happy Wednesday! I added your post here so you can stay updated should this feature be placed on our roadmap. 

@Liz - i think this is an excellent opportunity for an enterprising developer/software company to create an integration product between Typeform and the various sources of post code/address validation. 

my thinking (and a business recommendation to budding software product developers) is that IF this is not on the current roadmap for Typeform to develop, then it is an opportunity to create a solution - and, based on the comments of some in this forum, one that would be of enough value that they could possibly charge users to employ. 

just my tuppence today.. 



Sharing your comment @john.desborough with @kabir.mathur !

You can add me and countless others that don’t feel like posting in futility to this. Imagine an address form is a top 5 form entry in the history of all forms ever completed anywhere in the history of form completion. Be awesome to have this standardized to a single step and then maybe add validation 5 years from now. I’d be happy to put some dev resources on this… all 1.5 hours of them needed to get this done. More time has been spent in this thread than it would take to build it.  

@nrom - welcome to the community

appreciate that you could do this in 1.5 hours - that’s great news. That would be a great business opportunity for you to create an “add-in” or app that would do that validation function or an ‘API library’ that could be embedded in the form to create the address entry and validation. i am sure that a lot of us would pay for someone to develop that ‘app’ that could be integrated with Typeform. 

How many of us looking for this functionality would you need to have sign-up/kickstarter a project to build this out? 

just a thought after too many coffees.. 



Hey John - you’re all over this forum with quick replies - thanks for that. Personally I think a form company that we actively pay to build forms so we don’t have to allocate dev resources to building forms is best suited to allocate the 1.5 hours of dev needed to build an address form. If you think there’s a company to be built here though and want to get a kick starter going I honestly think it would fail miserably and you should save your money. I for one would not be willing to pay an incremental cent for this level of basic functionally that should be included within any enterprise level forms product. I’d just look to see if it is offered away, which I’m actively doing. 

On another topic… being forced to have start buttons display when you don’t want them as default functionality is frustrating and having this experience magically appear on mobile, but not desktop was also frustrating. Can’t win them all I guess. 

@nrom - lol.. not a company level solution for that app. there is a developer community of sorts where they have created bits of functionality that can be purchased as add-on bits. I was just pulling on the chain a bit, sorry for that, in that the absence of something that may one day get added to the tool is actually an opportunity for someone to use their skills to build something out and sell it back to the community (as opposed to Typeform). If someone wanted to do that and was serious, I’d toss $100 into the kitty if others contributed to help someone build it out. 

I would love that functionality, don’t get me wrong. I also have had to step back myself and look at this tool and ask “is this a transactional input capture mechanism” (the same way i’ve built out solutions in the past over top of oracle databases) or is this a ‘conversational flow’ capture tool. And make decisions about what i put in Typeform and what other club in the bag i have to use to create a more traditional data capture form for a transactional system that fits into the biz process. It’s not ideal to use multiple tools but in this app-based society, sometimes i have to use fit-for-purpose stuff myself. 

Hopefully one day it will appear.. and we will all be happy



Des, you are far too generous to offer to contribute additional money to see this built. It’s an embarrassment from a product standpoint this hasn’t been done. To have modules for star ratings and not have this is an embarrassment. I’m hoping if you and I go back and forth on this enough it will embarrass them enough to actually want to solve the problem for people. How does someone run a direct mail campaign integration with lob via typeform without this? Rhetorical question I know - they don’t. 

It would take 1.5 hours for a junior dev to build, test, ship this module that just like someone else mentioned would be the same as a phone, email, or date module. The fact this doesn’t exist - yep… it’s an embarrassment and it doesn’t make sense for anyone to spend 100x the time it would take them to build it spinning up a dev environment and doing an integration when eventually they will realize the clear oversight here and finally build it.

Enough time wasted here. Hopefully a dev on their side sees the level of frustration tied to this and has enough pride in their product/company to want to do something about it.

and while they’re at it - remove making the start button a default experience where you have to go into the embed code and hack embed code to hide it. Whatever product manager thought this was good user behavior to force on people I’m sick of needing to edit embed code every time I go to add a new typeform. Thanks for listening! 

Really need this function as well.

Hi @nrom Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I also agree a field like this would be handy, and I’m sure our developers would have added it by now if it didn’t take terribly long to develop into the product. 

Out of curiosity, I asked them how long it takes to add a new field/block into the form and the steps that go into it. When they’re developing a new field, they have to account for: 

- UX designer work
- UI designer work
- implementation of creator experience for create view
- implementation of creator experience for responses view
- implementation of creator experience for insights view
- implementation of respondent experience
- support for mobile devices
- support for embedded modes
- adding support for the new blocks to all our integrations that may support it
- adding new block to all the menus
- updating documentation
- marketing support
- QA
- A/B testing

So, it takes a few teams to come together to add in the field, test it, make sure it looks good on both mobile and desktop! Hopefully this gives you some insight into their process. :grinning:

Liz, it’s as basic as it gets. It’s some basic css/js. You already have all the underlying infrastructure there. We’re talking about adding fields here Liz. Text fields that write to a database. You might need some new developers if they can’t spin this up and QA it in a day. If we wrote a Jira ticket for this and put it up on upwork about a thousand developers would come back and say this takes 2 hrs. This doesn’t need to be AB tested. You aren’t running a conversion experiment here. We have address fields in a product that writes to a db the same way. Our front end is different. The backend is the same. You already have the front end built - just need to add the fields and write them to the db in the same manner as ever other text based field that exists on typeform. This is critical - you can’t do direct mail on typeform without this and about as basic as it gets. 

Some good news, @nrom  is that a contact and address field is already in the works, so if we have any updates on this, we’ll post them here. :smirk:

@Liz is there any estimate as to when that update will be live? days...months..years? 

Hi @LouTheDeveloper Thanks for stopping by! I don’t have a timeframe I can provide right now, as they’re testing some options. As always, as soon as I have an update, I’ll post it here. :grinning:
